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For 20 minutes, Batgirl and I waited for Batman to call us. We weren't sure if Joker killed him or not. Batgirl was worried sick. Suddenly, Batman called. "Batgirl, Spider-Man. I brought Joker in," he said. "Alright, good." Batgirl said, "Spider-Man and I will go back to my apartment and change back to our civilian clothes and visit Dad. He's being cared for at the hospital. Batgirl out." She then hung up, and we went back to her apartment. We were gonna need to clean this room eventually. But that wasn't on my mind as I changed into my civilian clothes in Barbara's bathroom. I got out, waiting for Barbara. She came out, wearing a black tank top, a gray light jacket, red jogging sweats, and white sneakers. Her hair was in a ponytail, and she was wearing her glasses. "You ready?" I asked. "Yeah. I just hope Dad's alright," said Barbara. "So do I," I agreed as we left her apartment, walking to the hospital. "Y'know, my uncle and aunt went to the same college as your dad," I said as we walked. Barbara gave me a look of surprise and asked, "Really? I didn't know that." I nodded and said, "Yep. My Uncle Ben was your dad's roommate. They were good friends." Barbara nodded and said, "I think I remember Dad talking about your uncle. He couldn't make it to your uncle's funeral." I nodded and said, "yeah, I know."

A few minutes later, we made it to the hospital. We went to the front desk. "Hi, I'm Barbara Gordon," Babs said to the secretary. "And I'm Peter Parker," I said, smiling. "My father was brought here less than an hour ago," said Barbara, "we wanted to see if he was alright and if we could visit him." The secretary nodded and said, "of course. Sign your names here, and I'll admit the two of you in." We then signed our initials on a piece of paper admitting us in. Once that was taken care of, the secretary said, "your father is in room 139. Take several lefts and you'll be there." I nodded and said, "Thank you." Barbara and I walked all the way to room 139, then we quietly walked in, in case Jim was asleep. Jim was looking a bit better. He was in a hospital gown, and whatever places were scratched were properly bandaged. The bullet hole in his throat was properly sewn, and he was wearing an oxygen mask so that he could properly breathe. And he was given proper clean blood. He looked at Barbara and said, "Hey Princess." His voice wasn't as hoarse as last time. I think it's a miracle that the bullet didn't damage Jim's vocal chords or his spine. "Daddy..." Barbara emotionally said, and she hugged him as carefully as she could. I can understand why. She was terrified that her dad wouldn't be okay. He hugged back. "Sorry, didn't mean to get all choked up," said Barbara. "No need to apologize," said Jim. "How are you feeling?" Barbara asked. "Lousy to be honest," admitted Jim. "Did they tell you how long you're staying?" Barbara asked. "Just a few days," said Jim, "Good Lord, I had the worst hallucinations unimaginable... I thought you were murdered. Thank God you're alive."

"Dad... of course I'm alive but I should be worried about you! You're the one who got really hurt," she said, holding his hand. "Yeah, I was," replied Jim, "and believe me I thought I really wasn't going to make it. I think it's literally a miracle I survived all that." He sighed. "The Bats made it just in time then. With a little help from Spider-Man." Barbara said with a weak smile. "Good. I'm glad you're okay. Once you get out, take it easy." Jim nodded and said, "oh, I will. I'm being given more clean untainted blood, that way I don't suffer any infections." He then noticed me and asked, "who's this young man, and why does he look so familiar?" I smiled and said, "I'm Peter Parker. I'm a mutual friend of Barbara's." I shook his hand. Jim raised an eyebrow and asked, "Parker? You wouldn't happen to be related to Ben and May Parker, would you?" I smiled and said, "I'm their nephew. They practically raised me as their son." Jim smiled and said, "I remember your aunt and uncle so well. Your uncle was my roommate. And I considered him my good friend. I wish I could have handled my marriage the way your Uncle Ben did. He was such a good man. You remind me so much of him Peter." I sat down and said, "I saw a photo of you when you were younger." Jim chuckled and said, "Ah yes, the Pre-Mustache days." I smiled and asked, "Could you tell me more about my Uncle Ben?" For the next half hour, Jim told me about his friendship with my Uncle Ben. It was so interesting hearing about the man I considered a father through the perspective of someone else. It made me learn more interesting things about him. Heck, Barbara learned a few more interesting things about her father along the way. Barbara looked at her watch and said, "it's getting late Dad. You should rest." Jim yawned and said, "Yeah, I guess so. What a night... Be safe Barbara... It was nice meeting you Peter. Tell your Aunt May I said hello."

"I will," I said, "and it was nice meeting you as well Commissioner." Jim chuckled and said, "please, call me Jim." Barbara kissed Jim on the forehead and said, "Love you Dad. Call me if anything happens." Jim nodded and said, "I will. I love you too Barbara." We then left the hospital. Barbara's father is alive and will be alright. That's good. Barbara looked at me and asked, "You still hungry?" My stomach growled in response. "Starving," I said, "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. Don't tell Garfield I said that." Barbara laughed and said, "Don't worry, I won't. Come on, I'll take you to Big Belly Burger, my treat. You've earned it." So that's where we went. I ordered a triple bacon burger and wolfed it down. That's how hungry I was. There was even a jukebox. The jukebox then played the song "Everything I Need" by Skylar Grey. I looked at Barbara. Barbara looked at me. Maybe I feel life is too short like Cass and Tim did when they kissed, but right now... I want to tell Barbara how I feel. "Barbara, there's something I want to tell you," I said. "What is it?" Barbara asked. "Do you remember when I took M'gann to fix Kaldur's mind, back when I was undercover?" I asked. "Yeah I remember," said Barbara. "During that time, she told me about you," I said, "she said that you never got to tell me that you were in love with me." Barbara started to blush. "Oh, right..." she said, still blushing, "well it's true. I like you... As more than just a friend Peter..." I held her hand and said, "Believe me Barbara, when Gwen died, I started debating with myself whether I had feelings for you.  I wanted to tell you after we saved the world from The Reach, but after Quicksilver died, I felt it wasn't the right time."

"I understand," said Barbara as she blushed when I held her hand. "Barbara, you are brilliant and beautiful. And I enjoy every moment we get to team up and fight together," I said. "I also feel the same way when we work together," admitted Barbara, "plus you are kind, gentle, brave, and you always know how to make me laugh. You're my hero." She smiled at me. "Well, you're mine too Barbara. Now feels like the perfect time to tell you that I love you," I said, smiling at her. "And I love you too Peter," she replied, "and I want to be with you." We got closer, ready to kiss. "Then I am yours, always..." I said, and I kissed her on the lips. I then felt this sensation that I hadn't felt in a long time. I'm no stranger to it, and I enjoy this kiss with Barbara. I love her. I really do. And that my friends, is how I got the girl.

The End

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