Who's Laughing Now?

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And now, back to Peter's point of view.

It's been a month since Quicksilver sacrificed himself to save the world. It's left an impact on The Avengers. A memorial service was held in his honor. Pietro's father; Magneto was none too happy about his son's death obviously. He practically blamed Wally for Pietro's death, and was ready to crush him with something large and magnetic, ensuring that Wally would send a postcard to Pietro in heaven. If it weren't for the intervention of Professor X, Wanda, and Vision, Wally's goose would surely be cooked. Needless to say, the Justice League have a bigger enemy to worry about now. It seems after M'gann escaped from Black Manta, she dumped Lagoon Boy. And now, she and Conner reconciled. Something tells me they're gonna get back together. Dick told me that Tim and Cassandra (Wonder Girl) are now dating. Call it a life's too short kind of thing. I'm happy for them. As for me, true believer? After Pietro died, I decided now was not the time to ask Barbara out. It was just too soon.

Anyway, I just got off work. After we saved the world, and the Main 6 made it back to Earth, I immediately started working for Tony Stark on Monday. He knows I'm part of the team, and is willing to give me flexible hours when it comes to certain missions. Plus he pays me a lot more than Jameson ever did. Jolly JJJ was such a cheapskate. Back to the subject, I got back to the apartment I was sharing with Harry. Once inside, I got to the kitchen. I was about ready to microwave a frozen meal. Such is the case when you and your roommate are bachelors. Right as I opened up the freezer, my phone rang. Now who could that be? I picked it up and saw it was... Batman??? "Hey Bats, what's up?" I asked. "Parker, are you alone?" Batman asked on the phone. "Yeah, I just got home from work and was about to microwave some dinner," I said, "what's the good word?"

"Your frozen dinner's going to have to wait," replied Batman, "Joker's escaped Arkham. And Barbara called for backup." Uh-oh. "Sounds like more than a coincidence," I said. "It isn't," said Batman, "I want you to suit up, go to Gotham, and check up on Barbara, see if she's alright." I looked for my suit and said, "Roger that Batman. Can you text Barbara's address to me?" Batman replied and said, "of course. Get there as soon as you can. Over and out." I got my suit on, and the minute I put on my mask, Batman texted me Barbara's address. That should be easy to remember. I put my clothes, wallet, and keys in my backpack. Once I was ready, I got out of the apartment, and swung all the way to the Zeta Tube in Queens. I ordered the Zeta Tube to teleport me to Gotham. It got me there, saying, "Recognized, Spider-Man: B07." I then swung all the way to Barbara's apartment. Since this was an emergency probably, I decided to just open the door, and went inside. I went into the living room, and saw it was a mess. There was a bullet hole in one of the pillows, and the couch looked bloody. "Barbara? You in here?" I asked, looking around. I then saw an unconscious Barbara laying in the middle of the floor. She was wearing a yellow buttoned blouse, her right sleeve was torn off. She was wearing a tan grey skirt, and it looks like her black flats fell off, because she was barefoot. I ran to her, having her face front as I said, "Barbara? Can you hear me?" She's breathing... Good.

Barbara then groaned, "P...Peter...?" I took off my mask and said, "Yeah, it's me Babs." She slowly opened up her eyes, and I helped her sit up. "What are you doing here?" Barbara asked, rubbing her head. "Batman told me you called for backup," I said, "he wanted me to check up on you. Are you alright? What happened?" I was unknowingly holding her hand. "Oh God... I remember what happened... I remember..." Barbara said, sounding terrified, breathing faster. If I didn't calm her down she was probably going to hyperventilate and have an anxiety attack. "Take it easy Barbara, breathe with me," I said, "just tell me what happened as best you can." Barbara calmed down and said, "Dad was visiting me... we were having hot chocolate... Suddenly, someone knocked at the door... I thought Dad ordered some pizza... I opened the door to find Joker was outside with a gun ... I closed the door to stop him, but then... Oh God, he shot Dad in the throat... he was gagging, so much blood... He mouthed that he loved me... Then Joker took my father and knocked me out... last thing I remember was calling for backup before Joker smacked me with his gun. I blacked out after that." I could see the look of terror in her eyes. "Barbara, it's okay," I said, trying to comfort her. "My dad is dying, Peter. I doubt it'll be okay," said Barbara as she glared at the floor, "I was so desperate to keep my dad safe I didn't even do anything to stop Joker..."

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