My First Day

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I arise from my bed. 'Today is the exam' I think to myself. I have a feeling today will be great! Just then, I hear a boy screaming. I look outside to see a green-haired looking person? I feel concerned but I tell myself not to worry about it. I change into clothes that are flexible. Then I remember about my quirk. I can control any form of water. But I need a water source for that. I start to worry, but then I remember, there are a lot of students. I'll take a little water from each. That means I'll take some jars. So I walk outside heading for U.A getting mentally prepared for what's about to happen.

*Time skip*

I finally make it, I start walking to the entrance. But then, I see the same green kid from earlier. I see him walking so confidently, then he trips, on himself. I start laughing to myself. But then this girl with short hair just like mine but not emoish, helped him. They made small talk, well mostly the girl. The girl left and the boy was just standing there, frozen. I wonder what happened. 

I run up to the girl hoping to become friends, thinking she will be nice. I mean she smiles 24/7, what could happen? I walk up to her and say "hi" She quickly turns with a very excited expression saying "HELLO". I honestly think she is too happy. " wanna be friends?" I say even though we just met 5 seconds ago. She responds clapping her hands together with " Of course!" I smile like a dork and ask her "what's your quirk?" She responds happily with "I can lift up whatever I touch but I get dizzy if I lift something heavy for a long time. What's yours?" " I can control any form of water, i start losing my vision if I use it too much" 

We reach the auditorium and have a seat, I see tree kid sitting on the other side. Present Mic explains things and we head to our exam places. I take one look at this blonde kid and I know he's messed up. But I sense sweat all over him, too much. I can use that too my advantage I thought. But he turns at me and says "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT LOSER" I seemed shocked but respond jokingly, "At your gay face" I snicker a bit but I know I'm not getting off easily. Then he gets close to me and says "Do you know who you're dealing with?" He says it with an intimidating face but I respond with "Nope, just met you my dude" Before I know it the exams start.

(Basically I use him as a source of water and I got around 47 points) 

Time skip

I finish the exams and head out, then I see tree guy sad. I walk over and say, "What's wrong dude?" 


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Im not sure how often I'll be posting but I hope it's consistent! Maybe every Saturday and Sunday! But 523 words, dang, Thanks for reading!

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