A Turn in Events

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I know what I have to do now
"Im gay" I used confusion, it was successful. I ran up to Todoroki, I fished up water from behind him and wrapped it around his body and waited. I was about to snap him out of it when.

I thought I was doing fine but he was doing this as an act. He prepared to shoot ice at me. I swiftly put the water around his hand and he froze it. As a result it froze all the water connected to it, and he was frozen inside it. He smirked. I was confused. "What's so funny?"

He made a small gesture with his free hand. I looked behind me, I saw ear freak about to touch the weapon. "FRICK"

I made a pushing gesture to her, she had fear in her eyes, being pushed to the wall. I kept her against the wall and pushed most of the water in her jack up, causing it to go dry so she couldn't move it. I turned back to tododorkie and smiled, "Didn't expect that oh silent one?"

"No, I didn't, rematch some time?" He chuckled evilly

"Sure, when you become my friend"

"Guess that's never" He went back to his relaxed face

"VILLANS WIN" His voice was so loud it was unbearable.

I released the water flow for ear freak, I let her go as well. Then I turned all the ice to water, making a punching motion. To clean it up, I motioned my hands to a fire motion, and the water turned into steam. I was shaking, I never used my quirk so much. I started walking or limping I couldn't tell which. I staggered to to where everyone else was.

"H-hey guys" I felt like crying, my vision was turning blue. Unlike most people, My vision turns blue, not blurry, on top of that when it gets worse I can hear and feel my heartbeat, and pain spreads rapidly like water.

I fell on to my knees, hoping it would end, "H-hel-" I blacked out, hearing all their voices, growing louder and louder, it hurt, I wanted it to stop, I wanted it all to end, but I couldn't stop it.

Urarakas POV
I saw her breaking down, she fell on the floor, with her knees, it was really loud. She was starting to cry, I just stood there in shock, I wanted to help but I couldn't move. Finally, she just, fell, hard on the floor completely, knocked out cold. I quickly rushed over to her.

"Breanna! can you hear me!?" I screamed as loud as I could. She was shivering, not a cold shiver but a mixture of fear and pain. I lifted her hand to grab on the handle on my wrist. She was grabbing on it with all her might I could tell, but she wasn't gonna hold on for much longer. I touched her and activated my quirk, making her float up in the air. I knew I needed help.

"C-" At that moment, the person who was in that match decided to help.

"I'll help, after all, it's my fault she had to use her quirk to the extent" Todoroki sighed as he said this. "Plus, what if you need to release her, and you need to take a break, you can't carry her." Todoroki just wanted to get this over with and started walking to me.

"I will accompany you also!" "I will make sure no one else gets injured during this!" While making chopping motions with his hand, another person said something.

She slightly raised her hand saying "I guess I will help too, I was a part of it too" Jiro started walking over. I was smiling, big time.

"OKAY! Now let's go!" I raised my free hand in the air and started walking towards the nurses office.

No ones POV

Momo watched as they left, best wishes. She thought, while going through some other thoughts. Todoroki is so nice, even though he was cold hearted during the battle, he really does have a nice personality. She blushed at the thought. Suddenly, light blue paper hearts were being created.

"Ooh, who ya thinking about, hmmmm?" The pink girl said sounding interested and excited.

"N-no one!" A blush spread across her face, she felt the warmth and covered it up with her hands, "Trust me, it was no one!"

"Well it has to be someone, after all, hearts don't lie." She said growing more curious and slipped Momo's hand off her face. "And neither does blush"


Urarakas POV

We finally made it to the office, sure there were some difficulties along the way, but we made it. Breanna was lying peacefully, for the most part. Then she woke up, I think.


I woke up, to some familiar faces, I tried saying hi, but it came out in a scratchy voice. It hurt really bad, I think they noticed because they were telling me "take it easy" "don't speak, you will just hurt yourself more", you know, stuff along those lines. Then I saw the rest of the class come in, even Tree boy, with a broken arm, I felt really bad.

Then I realized, "now is my chance." I said it really quietly, and it hurt, but I tried hiding it. They were all asking me if I was okay, I said yes of course. Continuing with my plan, I made a clapping motion with my hand and Izuku and Uraraka were pushed together. They were blushing madly, apologizing to each other, they were struggling to get out of this position, but then I let them free because I was about to black out again then I heard one thing.

"Ooh, you two lovebirds can seem to get enough from each other" She was laughing at her own comment, others were joining her as well, I think it was the alien girl who said that. I can't tell, but I made a faint smile and blacked out again.

Wow 1018 words, that's a lot, well thank you guys for tuning in, be sure to keep up with this story! After all of this introduction I have a little time skip for more juicy stuff. Thank you guys for reading! If you want me to make a character x reader story, be sure to comment! I honestly wouldn't mind, I just want some approval first. PLUS ULTRA

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