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Who could it be?  I thought to myself while walking closer.

I start noticing the brown hair, the bright outfit. That can only be on person.

"Uraraka!" I scream as I'm running to her waving my hand frantically.

Uraraka POV 

That boy, he didn't seem like he was paying attention. But then again, he was probably focusing. That was kinda silly how he tripped like that though. I giggle as I start thinking about it. But then I think out loud, "How can a person with a strong quirk not get any points?"

Omg did I say that out loud? Hope no one heard me.


"Oooooo, someone on your mind Uraraka?" I lean in interested

"N-no!" She says covering her face

"Chill, bro I'm just playing with you" I say with a goofy smile

"Oh what a relief" She uncovered her face while saying that.

"So who were you thinking about" I say with my smile weakening 

"Oh, this one kid at the entrance" she say as she looks up thinking about something

"It was this kid with green messy hair, freckles, and-"


She seemed shocked when I said hi she name. It was one of those You know him?  look

Uraraka POV

Wait, Bre knows him? Were they childhood friends, did they go to school together?  Wait- did they make out? "Are they dating!?"

"Wait, I said that out loud!?"

"Yeah you kinda did"

I look to my back, then to her, then back, then to her. I lean to her, "ARE YOu DaTInG HiM!?"


First she says it out loud, which made it awkward, then she directly asks me, wow, I'm impressed.

"WELL ARE YOU!?" She screams at me with all her voice

"no... why would you think that?" 

She looks at me embarrassed and starts blushing. Then she points her fingers at each other and touches and releases them slowly. "N-no reason"

"I-it's just because you knew his name"

I facepalm while saying, "You're the stupidest friend I've ever had."

Uraraka POV

That was really embarrassing, oh right, I almost forgot. 

I pull out a piece of paper with my number on it, "here, so we can chat and stay in contact" 

"Thanks" She says with a cheesy smile I always like to see.


"I'll text you later okay?" 

"Alright" she says in a battle stance

I run off waving goodbye, It's already sunset, my mom is going to get mad if I don't get home soon. 


I pull out my phone and start adding Uraraka's phone number to my contacts. I quickly text her after.


Hi! It's Breanna!


Oh! Hey!


What's up?


Oh, nothing much, you?


Well, I've been, thinking.... Will Midoriya be in in the same class as us?


Well that's a little tough to say. Maybe he will,  maybe he won't 


That's kinda sucky we don't know who our classmates are. 


Yeah, but Breanna, I've been thinking, what if





Thank you so much for reading! I'll post tomorrow as promised! And I'll put a picture of my character so you can get an idea of what she looks like, be sure to tune in the next chapter! PLUS ULTRA!!!!!!!

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