Our Secret Language

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🐾- "Italic" means speaking in English
🐾- Italic means speaking in mind

I slightly woke up, trying to see what was going on. "They all left" I said to myself while slowly getting out of the bed. Then the nurse walked in.

"Oh, your awake, we will let you go in a minute, wait here." She took off with a bright smile and came back as soon as possible. "So, here are some wristbands, please wear them for the next two hours." She smiled and handed them to me, I read the instructions and slipped them on, curiously.

"Excuse me, ma'am, what do I need these for?" I asked with slight confusion.

"Oh, that's easy, it helps reduce any nausea you might have." "I believe it uses acupressure." She smiled brightly, more bright than Kirishima.

"Okay, thank you, uhm, may I go now?" I asked while slowly getting up and heading to the exit regardless.

"Yes of course! Stay safe!" She waved smiling, I waved back, not wanting to be rude.

I walk out and I see Uraraka and Deku outside, waiting, still with a bright red on their faces. I could see they were holding hands. I knew this wasn't their doing but it was pretty funny. I laughed, and I guess it popped their trance.

"Ah! Breanna! You're awake! You think you could stop this?" They said it in unison, it was pretty weird, and with their free hand, they pointed at their hands, clinged together.
I nodded.

"Only if you promise me something" I said calmly.

"Anything!" They started crying a little too, I snickered.

"You will let me put both of you on a blind date with someone and you will help me with any other blind dates I will set up." They both stared at me like I was up to something.

"Fine" Deku said, with a mad but scared face, it was funny to look at.

"But you better fix this!" Uraraka then gestured to the hands again.

"Of course, of course" I kneeled down making a downward motion to the wrists, and the water flow came back down, there was only enough water in their hands so they could feel it, which I think I did intentionally. I then separated their hands, "done!" "Now don't bother me again about it, I won't do this in the future, for the most part."

They looked at me confused, "Could you say that again?" Uraraka questioned me.

I stood up, and said, "I said it loud and clear, I don't understand why you wouldn't hear m- oh, I spoke in English again, oops, my bad!" I chuckled, scratching my neck out of embarrassment.

"Wait, you know English!?" Deku looked happy, determined and impressed all at one. Uraraka followed the same motion and said desperately, "TEACH US!!!"

"Okay, okay. I'll teach you tomorrow, it's already getting dark" I pointed at the window.

"Okay see yah tomorrow!"

We all left home, I personally, started drawing my favorite character, she was a quirkless girl, for the most part. Everyone teased her about being quirkless, but it didn't matter to her, she loved drawing, that was one of the only things that made her happy. One day she discovered that she had strength like a wolf, while drawing one day, White ears and a tail popped out, it was beautiful to her. She cherished her ability forever. She kept it a secret from her classmates, and when the time came, she would show off her powers. She then became a superhero, know as Kiku, after all, one of her characters had the exact same patterns, so she called herself by that name.

Time skip

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Time skip

No ones POV

Time passed, soon her, Uraraka, and Deku had their 'secret language' English. They used it so many times in order to create plans, make fun of Bakugo, and so much more. Then the dorming came into place, and Mina was excited to play a truth or dare game, a sleepover party.

666 words, nice. Ah thanks for reading, thank you for staying with me. Uhm, I would like to know if I should add a different character in, just for fun, a boy to be exact. Well cya next time.

PLUS ULTRA!!!!!!!!

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