Truth or Dare

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No ones POV

Everyone arrived at the party, or sleepover, whatever you wanna call it. Somehow people "accidentally" came in pairs, in which Breanna and Mina shipped. For example, Izuku and Uraraka, Todoroki and Momo, Bakugo and Kirishima, so on.

Then Mina realized something, she forgot to invite Tsu and Aouyma(idk how to spell it). She quickly gasped, almost chocking herself, trying to find their contact frantically, the pink girl finally found their contact and started texting rapidly. Breanna noticed this and looked over, with eyes wide open, she gasped and closed her mouth. The brunette quickly went into a panic attack and started shaking her hands, like she was shooing something away. The brown haired girl started sweating waiting for an answer from the embarrassed pink alien also waiting for a response.

They both stopped freaking out when they saw their response, and got immediately sad. They both were sick, and they couldn't do anything about it. Then past them, walking out was the people who 'needed to do homework'. The brunette and the pink girl giggled silently at the sight. They both started making jokes silently, chuckling until they were out of breath. They both parted ways, going to groups and telling them to get in a circle. It was time for truth or dare.

Breanna POV

I quickly got everyone into a circle, I may or may have not paired them up in ships, I was glad at what I have done and smiled. I sat down in between Uraraka and Todoroki.
They were both blushing at who they were sitting next to, I was dyeing inside.

"So who's going first?" The pink haired girl happily said.

"I guess I'll ask first" Todoroki said very calmly with his hand raised. He put his hand down. "Breanna, Truth or Dare?" He turned to me.

I was very shocked at this I was frozen for a second or two. I then said scared, "t-truth please."

"How can you be scared of a truth? Well, let's see what can I ask you...." he stared at the floor for a second then to me. "Well, let's start off with something easy, why do you have revealing clothes on?" He asked pointing at my clothing.

I blushed a little saying, "W-well if I cover all of my body, I tend to get hot, so I wear short shorts and spaghetti strap shirts to stay cool." I look down at my blue socks embarrassed.

"And we are going right for the dares" I was on the right, feeling mad I asked

"TODODORKIE, TRUTH OR DAMN DARE" my glaring intensified, staring right into his soul.

He shivered a little, and said "Dare, cause I can handle one" he then poked my nose "boop"

I gasped offended. He knew I didn't like anyone touching my face or my hair. I could easily use my quirk but I'll save it for in a few minutes. I contacted Uraraka. "Yo Uraraka, should I make Momo and Todoroki hug then freeze them in place with the hug? Or make then hold hands?" I said to Uraraka with a mischievous smile. She gave me a thumbs up then Midoryia butted in.

"Wouldn't that be going to far?" He asked with a worried look.

"Poor Midoriya, nothing is ever going to far" I smiled and turned back to Todoroki with him in a confused transe. "So, Todoroki, you should ever be so brave, I dare you to hold hands with Momo for more than five seconds." I smiled

"YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT THIS!" They said in unison as blushing redder than Kirishima's hair.

"You know what, fine I'll do it." He grabbed Momo's hand gently and I got to work.

I made a gesturing motion to their hands and dried them to where they can't move them but so it would be comfortable still, just soft enough for them to enjoy it. I smiled then they realized what I have done, the five seconds were up.

"Breanna, you don't do that, release us now." He said with a stern voice.

"I would but I didn't do it, your doing it on your own. If I did it, you're hands would be hard, however, they are soft, with moisture. And don't you like it?" I say ruffling his fluffy hair. I pull my hand away. I see Momo and Todoroki blushing like there is no tomorrow. "Well Uraraka, you're turn!" I say while acting like nothing happened.

"I've already picked a suspect." "Kirishima! Truth or dare!" The brunette said smiling with joy.

"Well I wouldn't be a man if I choose truth so..... Dare!" The redhead said with excitement.

"Can you like lay on Bakugo for the rest of the game please? With any position comfortable for you." Uraraka said calmly like she TOTALLY didn't know what was going on. But little do the rest of them know, we actually discussed the ships before and decided to make them happen, yes tree boi agreed.

The redhead blushed at the thought. "O-Okay" he gently layed on Bakugo's lap, blushing bad.

Kirishima POV

Omg omg omg, he's not denying it, what if, I mean more to him.... no that's not possible. But maybe if...... wait, his body is so warm.... I cuddled with Bakugo, I didn't care if he didn't like it, he was so warm, I want to lick his ne- Wait what!?

Breanna POV

"Well that kinda turned out unexpected, huh Uraraka, Deku?"

"Yeah I have to admit it was kinda funny" The green human mop chuckled at the sight, and I just see Uraraka staring at him with a light blush. I look back at Todoroki and Momo, they were leaning on each other, so adorable. I release their hands, they noticed because they moved their fingers, but they remained hiding hands.

Looking at Bakugo and Kirishima though, they seemed like they were very calm about this. Kirishima was just cuddling him and Bakugo well he was kinda petting Kiri. It was nice. Staring off, Mina thought of a new game to play.

"Hey why don't we play 5 minutes in heaven!" She asked confidently and exited. Everyone nodded, but suddenly, a new kid came in. I started blushing, I think he's a new student. Uraraka nudged me.

"Interest maybe?" She gave me that look. I smiled.

"Well, I may be fonding over him. With his black and white hair, and his eyes."
I blushed and felt a feeling, a feeling I have never felt before.

"I blushed and felt a feeling, a feeling I have never felt before

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(Imagine him in pajamas or something.)

Whoa 1098 words, thanks for reading, cya my Bnha peeps, and continue to ship your ships. Until next time!

Plus Ultra!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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