America ain't a kit (so creative wOw)

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Yeah I've written so much cat books before just never posted them :> but enjoy this one
And yes, I am making them actually have eyes as cats owo


"Hehehehe got your tail!" (Look out he's got a tail-) Canada snickered, pinning my blue tail on the ground.

"Nooo!" I pounce at my brother, knocking him down. I pin him down smugly. "I've got you now!" I flick his face lightly to show my now free tail.

He paws at it and we both leap up at the same time. I tread back to avoid bumping into Canada, but end up stepping on someone. I whirl around and notice a small cat rubbing his face.

"Holy grass, you stepped on my face America!" Costa Rica whines.

I lick his ear in apology. "Heh, sorry. I guess we'll be leaving soon, so you'll be alright." I reason, thinking excitedly about the apprentice ceremony later today. I lash my tail because I am kinda impatient.

Costa Rica pokes me with a striped paw. "Hey squid-brain, I won't be long after you. Just a few more moons and I'll leave the nursery too!" He squeaks happily.

"Well, a few more moons is gonna be enough to keep you not trampled while my brother and I play. Well, see ya Costa Rica, cause I wanna go play outside with Canada and Mexico now!" I purr and bounce out of the den, Canada following me. We spot Mexico playing with Brazil's swinging tail. Brazil looks amused as he watches Mexico pounce around, trying to pin down his green tail. I pad over to my brother excitedly.

"Hey Mexi!" Canada yelps, using Mexico's nickname.

Mexico pauses his prancing. "Hey guys!" He chirps.

"Ready for sunhigh?" I ask Mexico.

He looks excited. "Yes, of course!" He flicks his ear proudly. "The three of us will be the best apprentices in the whole territories!"

Canada clouts one of Mexico's ears happily. He was the biggest one out of the three of us, but I was the oldest. Even Mexico, the youngest, is taller than me! "Well, did you realize the gathering is later today too? Maybe Argentina will let us come as our first time out of camp!" He suggests.

"Well, if you behave until then, yes." We hear a meow. The three of us whip around and find Argentina looking down at us proudly, as if we were his own kits. Well, technically, we are. Brazil is our dad, and Argentina is his mate so we basically have two dads! Yay! (I didn't know who to put as the leader so Argentina it is)

"So, if you three toms just continue playing with Brazil and not disturbing anyone else, then yeah, you can come." Argentina purrs before turning and padding into his den. Brazil starts swishing his tail again, and this time, Canada and I join in with Mexico on trying to catch the tail

-time skip to sunhigh/ midday-

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath Central Rock for a clan meeting!" Argentina yowls loudly, leaping onto the rock his den is in. All the Warriors, elders, and apprentices start taking their places in front of the rock. Venezuela, the medicine cat, sits below Central Rock. Chile, the deputy, sits beside Venezuela.

I feel someone licking my head fluff down. "Hey daaaad!" I whine, pawing Brazil away. I see something flicker behind his eyes but nothing changes in his facial expression. I mess up my fur just how I like it again. "You messed up my floof!"

"You gotta look nice!" Brazil insists. He already smoothed out Mexico's fur, and now he went to Canada.

"Dad, stop it!" AgaiN, something in Brazil's eyes flickers. But it is gone in an instant. "You're gonna make me look like I fell in a river and never dried off!" Canada flicks his tail at our dad. Brazil backs off, purring.

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