Canada finds out

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(Still written on my phone, sorry owo)



I stare after America sadly. I whirl around and glare at my clanmates. "What was that for??"

Spain rounds on me. "And I suppose that you would let Europe starve to death?!"

"No, but WE stole from HIM. America caught the squirrel fairly. He didn't know he'd crossed the border." I shoot back.

"So you care more about America and his clan?" Croatia challenges.

I raise my chin. "No. I'm giving this back." I grab the squirrel before any of my clanmates could hide it. I clamp my jaws on it firmly and stalk off to the border, following America's fresh scent.

I cross the border warily and locate America under a bush. I stick my head through, the squirrel at my paws.

"Ayy- sorry for trespassing, but I believe you caught this." Holy heck, I love America's expression when he noticed me. Its funny, really. I drop the squirrel at his paws.

He gives me a grateful nod. "Thank you." He also says something about some cat coming and that I should go, so I hit him lightly with my fluffy floof tail and bound back to the patrol. Or well, what was left. Croatia, Spain, and Germany must have left. Only Ukraine remained, standing awkwardly, looking past the border for me.

I bounce up to him excitedly. "Hey bro!!" 

He jumps, like he didn't see me coming. Ukraine presses his muzzle to my shoulder in greeting. "Eww- you smell like America!" He draws back with a wrinkled nose.

I purr. "Ha ha very funny- I bet no one will notice anyway, so no." I declare, not wanting the comforting scent off my fur.

Ukraine shakes his head. "I'm sure every cat can scent America when they smell you." 

"Argh fine!" Without warning, I tackle Ukraine and we fall into a patch of flowers. That same patch I used before.

"Eeeeek!!" Ukraine squeals as we wrestle on the ground. I laugh and let him up, and we return to camp.

~time skip~

I couldn't sleep again. I probably ate too much, since I was feeling super light and giggly. So I decided to take a walk along the entire border for fun. Not a good idea, you may say. Well, America showed up halfway through!

"Hello again Russia." He runs over but stays on his side of the land.

"Sup ma dude!" I laugh, clearly high off of a mouse.

America purrs. "I always say that to my clanmates."

America and I talk for a bit before I randomly ask, "When can you not sleep?" I can't sleep most nights.

"Pretty much always." America says.

I flick my ears at him. "Me too!"

"Do you take walks too?"

"Da! Do you want to meet up since it can wear us out?" I ask. I really don't know why. It was probably of my strange high-ness. 

America's first expression of uncertainty fades to a slight smile. "Alright! See ya tomorrow then!" He runs off, and I continue my one-cat patrol.

When I return to my nest, legit everyone is asleep. I crawl into my nest and successfully fall asleep.

~time skip~


For a moon now, Russia and I have been meeting up each night, talking and playing around until we get tired. Then we return to our own nests and sleep.

Right now, I was just being woken up by Canada early in the morning for a patrol we were supposed to do.

I cover my eyes with my paws. "It's too early." 

Canada pokes me roughly with his paw. "It's not my fault you always return so late!!!"

My heart quickens. "I'm never tired at that time." I say. It's partially the truth.

Canada lashes his fluffy tail. "Yet you're not tired to break the code?"

I stare at him blankly. "What do you mean?" I ask.

"You know very well what I mean. You think I can't hear you purring quietly to yourself and the scent of Europe on you? It's probably that Russia cat!

I stand up in my nest. The den was empty besides us. "Canada I--"

"No! I KNOW you've been sneaking out at night!" Canada turns his back on me and leaves.

I feel sick and stumble out of the den. Canada won't even spare me a glance! I pad into the medicine den with a drooping tail.

Venezuela looks up from the herbs she was mixing.  "Are you ok, America?" She calls. Columbia is in a nest, sleeping with one paw wrapped in a leaf holding a stick in place.

"I-I feel pain." I sigh.

Venezuela wipes off her paws on a big leaf at the side and trots over to me. She sniffs me carefully. "No wounds on you- what's up, then?"

"My heart and head hurt." I mutter. "I suppose you don't have any herbs for sadness?"

Venezuela shakes her head. "I have one for headaches-" She brings me some leaves and I eat them. The pain in my head dies down a little.

"Thanks..." I pad out of the den. Cats stare at me as I leave camp. Well, as they say, 'sick cats do not leave camp until they're healed', but I honestly don't give a flying crap about that. I roam the European border a bit, since the smell is now so familiar and is now even comforting. I curl up under a bramble bush and doze off with my tail wrapped neatly around myself.

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