Slight Filler....?

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(This is just what I had to do so I could make the next (not really a chapter) chapter because it's important...also sorry for being sooooooo late I got grounded, then went to Poland amd forgot my papers with the plans for the next chapter, and lost motivation, but I want to finish this story so yeah)


I came back....home....after I went to visit Russia. I was tired, upset, and hungry. But honestly, who gave a crap. Not me is who.

When I reached camp, I accidentally ran into one of the most respected warriors, Greenland. He looked down in surprise.

"Oh hello America," he greeted me.

"Sorry Greenland..." I mutter.

"Where were you...?" He asks, narrowing his eyes.

I flatten my fur and bark a laugh(or meow a laugh?). "Oh, nowhere! I just went around for a short little walk!" I say as casually as I could.

"Did you run into some European cats?" Greenland asks, sniffing my fur. "You smell like Europe."

"Oh....yeah...I-Uhh-" As I struggle to come up with a response, Greenland cuts me off.

"Did you chase them off our territory?" He asks with the authority of a clan leader.

"Oh...kinda! I didn't fight them so I don't create any problems between the two of us, but I told them if they ever cross the border without a good reason, we'd rip their fur off their bodies with a single glare." I bluff, having no other thoughts on how to get out of this situation. "So uhh....sorry again for running into you!" I quickly say before hurrying off to the side of the clearing, where I sit down in a patch of weak sunlight and watch my clanmates. Canada is nervously chewing on a bird, his tail swishing back and forth. Cuba was batting at it with Costa Rica and Puerto Rico.

I glance back at Canada for a moment, and I manage to catch his eye. Before I get a glare sent my way, I look down at my paws.

I sigh, curled up into a little ball in the sun, wondering what the point of my life is. I mean, my parents are from a different clan. Mexico isn't my actual brother, and Canada hates me now because he knows I sneak out to see Russia. Honestly, can my life get any better? Maybe I should leave and join Europe.....?

A shocked yelp sounds from not too far away. I open my eyes and leap away just in time to not get knocked over by Greenland and Panama.

When the dust clears from the skid, Greenland is quite obviously pinning Panama down by her throat to the ground.

"G-Greenland?" She whispers hoarsely.

"Hand over your leadership." He states firmly.

"Why?" Panama asks with narrowed eyes.

"You know I'm one of the oldest warriors here. And I think I'd lead the clan better. The other clans would fear us, because we wouldn't have such a young and, in their eyes, inexperienced leader." Greenland's eyes glittered sadly. "Would you please give me a chance to prove myself a worthy leader? You can be the deputy. Or, well, if I were leader, you'd be my deputy. Please, Panama?" Greenland finished with and sigh and turned away from Panama. "I know you'll say no but it was worth a try."

"Greenland..." Panama began. She thought over her words for a minute. "I-.....I think you're right. I'm not the best cat for leader. I don't have the same experience nor do I look regal to the other clans. I will accept your offer. You can lead North America, but you can choose whichever deputy you want at midnight. It's ok if I'm not chosen; I understand."

Greenland turns around in shock. "You mean it?"

"Every word." Panama purrs at him.

Greenland's face is calm but his pricked eats and lashing tail show how excited he really is. "Thank you!" He thanks and runs into the leader's den.

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