REALLY short..dreams..?

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(Still being written on my phone, so sorry for mistakes

And I always manage to get sick during the holidays, so I can't really update longer than about this. Happy Easter/Early Easter!

I also spent all my time reading Fading Echoes since that's where my oc FadingEcho came from and I bought six warriors books that will last about a week oops)



Oof indeed! Before I returned back to the camp from escorting Russia from the clearing, I made sure to roll around in some dead leaves to mask Russia's scent, even though it was really comforting. It's probably just me not walking with anyone, since I'm sure Canada's smell on my fur would be just as comforting. But in other words, I took the long way back to camp, while running as well. And now I'm tired as heck knows.

I walk, dragging my paws by now, in the camp, which was being guarded by Brazil. He shot me a quizzical look but I dismissed it. I stagger into the apprentice's den and flop down unevenly between Canada and Mexico. I feel Canada stir but not wake up. I feel a cool gaze on my pelt, but before I can figure out who it was, I was asleep.

~dream~(some blood ahead, I warn ya)

I place my paws lightly, keeping my ears and tail low. I wait a few seconds and then pounce. I tackle Mexico and hear ourselves laughing. Strange....I thought he hated us. I look up and realize this is apprentice battle training. I feel Mexico becoming weaker under my paws. I look down and see Mexico's throat slit. I leap off him, but the blood keeps pouring. I look down and see my claws are sheathed, so how could this have happened? I look up and see our mentors fading. Suddenly, someone pounces on me, and I bowl them over playfully, forgetting Mexico for a moment. I Make sure my claws are sheathed and pin Canada down. Suddenly, against my will, my claws slide out and cut Canada. I try to back away but can't. Canada dies under my paws, and Mexico is a few tail lengths from me...

I look up fearfully, not wanting to see the corpses of my clanmates. I am met with blazing eyes looking out from the bushes surrounding the training clearing. They look almost...pleased..? I am forced to turn around and face Brazil and Argentina, padding towards me proudly as if I was their actual kit and as if Mexico and Canada weren't just laying dead right there in a pool of blood.

Again, against my will, I lightly paw my fake parents with 100% double-checked sheathed claws. At least my claws were sheathed! Oh.....The two cats don't even flinch as their necks are somehow cut and they crumble before me. I stare in shock at my paws. I wouldn't dare kill any cat! But what paws decide what they do? What if I hurt my clanmates...?

-end dream- (end blood warning qwq)

I wake up suddenly, my fur bristling and cool. I feel someone smooth it.

"Hey, are you alright?" I turn my head and see Canada brushing his tail over my flank.

I nod at my brother. "Yes, just a dream. Thanks!" I say, turning back around and resting my head on my front paws. Why couldn't I just have dreams about everyone being friends and peace?


When I reach camp, only bout an hour or so has passed since I left. So I made sure to disguise my scent in some flowers. Yes I know, but they were the only things I could find with a smell s
strong enough. I pad into camp, only a little tired, and trot in the apprentice's den as quietly as I can. I curl up into my nest with my nose tucked neartly under my tail. I close my eyes and try to fall asleep, but am prodded in the side by a paw.

"Where have you been, and why do you smell like flowers?" I hear Ukraine hiss to me so that only the two of us can hear.

"Went for a walk, tripped, and fell into a lot of flowers." I hiss back, changing the truth SLIGHTLY. Yeah, slightly....

Ukraine purrs and I hear his breathing even out into sleeping. I also decide to sleep, and do.


I have pinned down an enemy whose fur I can't recognize. I jab my claws into his neck, waiting for him to fall limp under them. But after a few moments, the cat stares back at me with his eyes wide and glaring, his neck perfectly fine. He pushes me off.

"You know, why can't we just be friends?" He asks.

I shake my head angrily. "You can only be friends with your clanmates. Enemies are meant to be killed. That means you."

Another cat appears, and the another, and more cats start appearing around me. They start closing in on me, asking why we can't just be friends. I hiss and snarl at them, but can't bring myself to claw them. They didn't do anything to me....nO! RUSSIA, cOntrOl yOUrsElf. These are enemy cats, you have to fight them! Yet, even if I try or do so, the cats are perfectly fine.

Why....since I always liked battles and fighting though I've never been in one....? I am always ready to make someone trust me and then expose them so Europe can fight them! That's the point of clan life, what else?

I shake my head fiercly, hoping to wake up.

-end dream-

I finally do wake up, and notice its almost dawn. I lay down with a quiet sigh, thinking about the dream. What could it mean, then, if I never once thought as enemy clan cats as this?

Cat Stuff - RusAme Countryhumans cat AUWhere stories live. Discover now