Rejection 1000

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*coughs in yaoi* I may have lost the motivation for this again because vocaloid happened but I'll continue because I don't think I'll leave my stories unfinished at least-


" are you alive?" I hear Russia-San ask from in between two red cats. Probably his parents or something.

Pshh, he's so blind sometimes. Of course, I have to thank America-Senpai for bringing us here. I know for sure this cat in front of me is Japanese Empire, my mother. I just know. Don't ask. Please just go away and don't ask how I know. Yes, I'm talking to the people that think I don't know this is a story about countries as cats. I know all of it. If I really wanted to I could delete the story.

Nah, just kidding. I don't even know what happened there for a second. Sure, life may seem like a book but that can't be real, can it? No way, just my wild imagination! What is a country anyway?

"Japan, how have you been?" I hear my mom ask and pull from my weird thoughts.

"Just great! I am a warrior now!" I blurt out with pride, puffing my chest out. "I have an apprentice- Philippines! And I'm really great friends with North and South Korea, and I always hang out with South!"

"Aww that's nice to hear." Japanese Empire gives me a lick on the ear. "I'm glad you're finding yourself a mate."

My tail twitches as I lie in response, "Yeah, I know. He's a nice guy." I have to lie to prevent my mom from finding out America is who I like. Because that's iLlEgaL.

I realize I have been blocking out everything going on around me while talking to my mom. I could have missed something. I turn around and see Ukraine And Germany being nuzzled by who appear to be Soviet Union and Third Reich. I mean, who else could they be? My mom was great friends with them, after all! Some black and white cat was sitting off to the side with America and Russia, talking about I don't know what. Well, technically Russia and the other tom are talking, and America is listening contently. I look to the other side and spot a cat I haven't noticed before. He's big, that's sure! But his tail is small a rectangular-ish? Eh, he's not important.

"Mom, I have to talk to America real quick! I'll be back, soon you'll see!" I chirp, pouncing away and a purr as I approach the three chatting cats.

The one I do not know spots me first. "Who are you?" He asks with narrowed eyes.

"Could ask you the same," I shoot back sassily.

"Japan, be a bit more kinder. This is Prussia. Prussia, this is Japan." Russia explains with a bite to his voice as he notices me too.

"Alright, blah blah nice to meet you. Okay, can I borrow America for a moment?" I ask, my voice completely changing back to normal as I ask.

Russia looks displeased but glances at America with an expression saying 'sure I'll be waiting here'. Pshh what a mouse-brain! He probably thinks America likes him or something! I'm 100% sure America loves ME because we've known each other for so long, and we've only stopped seeing each other those lots of moons ago because we thought it was wrong to sneak out every night. Well now I can't bear it!

"Well...." America pauses. He looks at Russia in confusion.

"Please, I have to ask you something important!" I beg with glittering eyes. Russia notices and looks to the ground.

"Just go. Looks like she really is telling the truth." He mutters.

"Uh...Fine...?" America stands up and follows me as I lead him behind a secluded bush. He sits next to me once I stop. "What is it?"

Cat Stuff - RusAme Countryhumans cat AUWhere stories live. Discover now