America climbs a tree

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There are words in Warriors, and since I read that on a daily basis, I write with some words (If ya get what I mean) so I to simplify the words  least a little



It seems like I've only slept a few moments after I fell back asleep after that weird dream. Well, it probably WAS a few moments.

Mexico was prodding me sharply with a paw, his cold eyes almost as cold as ice. "Wake up, mouse-brain."

I cover my muzzle with my paws. "It's too early and I'm tired.." I roll away from Mexico.

He sniffs, "Well, it isn't my fault you went out and came back late!"

I turn my head and narrow my eyes at him. "So it was you who was staring.." I mutter under my breath as I get up grumpily.

"What?" Mexico hisses, following me out of the den.

"Nothing," I meow quickly, "But I asked why couldn't Suriname get me?"

"He's talking with Peru and Panama-- wait." Mexico halts. He returns to the den and sprints out with Canada behind him, looking excited tiredly. Mexico nods stiffly.  "Ok let's go." He leads us to where our mentors are talking in low voices.

Panama spots us. She flicks her tail and Peru and Suriname stop talking. They wait for the three of us before leading us to a clearing.'s THE clearing. The one I found Russia in! I feel hopeful, I don't know why. But then the warriors would tell us to chase him away. I frown.

"What's wrong, America?" Canada asks, dropping behind a little to walk beside me. We sit a few grass-blades away from Mexico.

"He's just regretting going to sleep late last night." Mexico retorts. "Foxbrain."

Peru suddenly clouts him over the ears sharply. "These are your fellow apprentices, and you treat then with respect." He orders. Mexico nods. Peru looks at me. "Sorry about him.."

I shrug. "It's all fine. I'm alright, by the way."

Suriname crouches."Ok, we'll first learn the hunter's crouch." He shows us the position.

"Go on, try it!" Panama urges us. Her eyes glowed when Canada showed his.

"Well, that is quite the crouch there, Canada." Peru approves.

Panama nods her head. "First try too! Awesome! Keep it up and you'll keep the clan alive for a long time."

"Alright, can you three hunt alone and we will be waiting at the camp entrance for the prey you caught?" Peru suggests. Suriname and Panama nod. "Ok...gO!"

Our mentors leave quickly to not disturb the prey, and Canada and Mexico dash in opposite directions. I guess the only place I could go was straight, towards the border. But it's alright, though! I pad forward, keeping low as I search for something to hunt down.

THERE, I think as I see a movement in the leaves by a tree trunk. A big fat squirrel was biting at some acorns in his tiny paws. His bushy tail was towards the tree and his left side was facing me. I crouch down, doing the crouch. I creep forward and then- pOuNcE!! I leap at the squirrel, but he notices me a second too early. He drops his nuts (crap, that sounds wrong--) and climbs up the tree quickly.

Without thinking, I follow. I dig my claws into the bark and haul myself expertly after the fluffy piece of meat. It crosses a tree. I follow. It goes a branch higher. I follow. It goes back down a branch and then goes over two trees. I follow it too. Then, the squirrel pauses for a moment to catch it's breath. We were midway up a tall tree. I leap again, this time pinning the squirrel under my claws and snapping its neck with a swift bite.

But as I nip its neck, I hear a crack. Holding the dead squirrel firmly in my jaws, I look at the branch. It has a crack that is slowly...growing...? Yes, it is! I flip out and accidentally lose my hold on the branch.

With a scream muffled by gray fur, I fall down and land on the grass sharply. "Owwwwww......" I mumble around the squirrel. Yet I doubt anyone heard me. I must be deep into North-South American territory.

I hear rushed pawsteps approach me. A few cats pad up to me, but my smell is muffled by the squirrel.

"Prey stealer!" A cat yowls. I open my eyes and see Spain, Croatia, Ukraine, Germany, and....Russia..? The cat that yowled that was Spain. All of the European cats have bristling fur.

I manage to sit up. "NO! I'm not a prey stealer, I swear!" I explain hopefully. "I was chasing a squirrel up a tree and then around on it, and I caught it and fell....I didn't know that I crossed the border." I look up sadly.

Spain glares at me. "Liar! You can't climb trees!"

"Yes I can. I fell out of one right now." I flick my tail impatiently.

"You just want the food!" Croatia growls at me.

I shake my head. "I caught it fair and square."

"Give us the squirrel or we'll take it by force!!" Spain snarled.

"Yeah!!" Germany backs her up. Russia and Ukraine are both looking unsure at the edge of the patrol.

"No! I-I caught it!!" I whimper as the cats, besides Russia and Ukraine, close in on me. "Ok ok fine! Take this stupid squirrel you stupid cats!!" I jump on to my paws, despite one of them stinging like bees, whirl around, and race back to the border. I know at least 10 fox tails from every pawstep of my border, and this was about 13 fox tails away. I cross the border and collapse under a Bush. I whimper quietly.

I had fairly caught that squirrel and fell put of a tree for it as well! And now the fat piece of fresh-kill that I caught belongs to another clan. I sigh sadly. I wasn't ever going to pass the final assessment. 

A few seconds later, I hear pawsteps heading towartowards me. Russia sticks his head into the Bush.

"Ayy- sorry for trespassing, but I believe you caught this." Russia drops my squirrel at my feet.

I stare at it before blinking at Russia gratefully. "Thank you." I strain my ears. "I think someone's coming- you'd better go. And thanks again." Russia nods politely and leaves.

I drag the squirrel out from under the Bush and find Suriname padding towards me. "I've been looking everywhere for you..." His on-edge voice trails off when he sees the squirrel. "You caught that?" I nod. Suriname smiles at me. "Then let's return to camp and say what an awesome apprentice I have!"

"Alright!" I squeak, my injured paw hurting a bit. But together, Suriname and I drag the squirrel back to camp.

Cat Stuff - RusAme Countryhumans cat AUWhere stories live. Discover now