Russia is confused

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I think you have been blessed by the banana Gods because I actually came back and am writing O-O tho I apologize for it being so short


These dumb thorns!! Somecat should get rid of them! I thought angrily as I not-so-gracefully slipped through the tunnel and into Europe's camp. Sealand snickered being me and Sweden silenced him. Finland flicked his fellow apprentice on the ear.

I placed down the food Sweden and I taught our apprentices catch. Sweden has gone to report to Britain how the training is going.

I honestly still couldn't believe Britain trusts me with his a lot younger brother as my apprentice. Sweden and I could see Finland was trying really hard to succeed today's little competition. He climbed up a tree to catch a bird, for starclan's sake! All Sealand said about climbing was pathetic whining. (Oh crap, rhymes)

I was exhausted, so I went straight to the warriors den and into my fluffy nest. France was talking with Spain quietly about improving our dens. Great thoughts, comrades.

I close my eyes and instantly fall asleep.

~Like 15 minutes later~

I wake up, and find the den empty. Then why did I wake up? It is still light outside and I don't think it's been long.

I curl my fluffy tail around my paws as Germany enters the den and sits in his nest.

"Hey bruder," he greets me with a nod.

"Hi Germany." I reply politely.

There is shuffling and a muffled curse from behind us; The den wall shook a little.

As my brother and I turn around to look at it, a white and blue paw sticks out from under it. And pretty familiar blue and white paw.

"America?" I ask suspiciously. There was no need for him to be here!

"Ah- ouch!" I hear him yelp.

"Shut up! You'll draw other cats!" Germany hisses.

"Is it only you two, Russia and Germany in this den?" America asks, retrieving his paw.

"Yes, why?" Germany asks.

"Could you please get Ukraine? I'll explain everything later." He pleads through the den wall.

"Ugh fine." Germany comes back quickly inside with Ukraine at his tail.

"You 3 there?" America asks.

Ukraine's fur bristles in shock. "Who's that?"

"America." I answer. "Now what do you need?"

"Look, I swear I won't kidnap you or anything, but can you come out here and follow me?" America questions.

"Hell no!" I growl.

"Please? I swear to starclan it will be worth it!" America continues to beg. Pshh...pathetic and....cute..... Russia nO! I yell inside my head.

"Russia, let's just go or this squid-brain will draw attention and expose us." Ukraine sighs.

"Alright! Meet you at the border with North America then!" I hear shuffling again and fading pawsteps.

Germany, Ukraine, and I all say we're going hunting and we sneak away and find the American cat standing, waiting for us at the border like he said.

"Alright! We have to get Japan now," America said, looking confident as he led the way around his clan's border to Asia. He was about to run off, but I stopped him.

"Maybe it's best if I go. You probably alerted the entire forest at Europe." I suggest, sliding past him smoothly.

He thinks for a moment, looking sheepishly at me. "Yeah I guess so."

"Well wait here with America." Germany adds.

I nod before quietly climbing up a tree. I feel the three regarding me with confusion. I ignore them and leap from branch to branch, growing closer to the camp with every jump. Yeah ok I don't know why I did that. We don't really learn to climb trees..

Eventually I spot the sand-filled hollow Asia settles in. I spot Japan sitting talking with South Korea, North Korea chewing on a lizard angrily while glaring his brother down.

Luckily, they were right under a tree, and lucky for me, the tree has a bunch of leaves a I can hide in. I chew off a nut from the tree and drop it down.

Tap. The nut hits Japan straight in the back. She twists her head and licks the spot in confusion. I stop and drop another nut, this time on her head. She looks up and sees me. Her eyes widen, but I signal over to the border with my tail, and thankfully, she nods.

South Korea was blabbering away and didn't even watch Japan. North Korea was glaring at his brother only.

"W-well guys, I think I'm going to do a little bit of solo hunting now, alright?" Japan says, standing up. Both Koreas nod and watch as she pads out of the camp. I jump down and run to the border.

I twirl around and wait for the Asian cat to come face-to-face with me. I hear crunching leaves. "3....2....and 1."

Japan comes out right then and looks at me skeptically. "Care to explain?" She demands.

"Yes. You have to come. Quick. This is very important and I swear to starclan it's worth it!!" I say, trying to be as serious as possible.

"How do I know you wont kill me?" Japan asks.

"I don't. There's no point. Now, hurry and follow me!!" I yelp (fake)urgently.

I race off, and Japan is at my tail. I reach America and my brothers waiting. Japan looks frightened for a moment.

America catches on my urging look and says, "This won't wait forever! Come on!" As he dashes into the trees, the four of us at his heels, I worry about how much we trespassed in one day.

We reach a little clearing, and America skids to a stop. He turns to us. "You're welcome." Is all he says before I get knocked over.

My fur spikes up in confusion as I am pinned to the ground by two cats. I snarl at them, and then stop, closing my eyes. I want for me to get killed, but nothing painful comes. All I feel is.... warm fur nuzzling me?

I open my eyes and realize I am squished between these two cats. They are both mainly red. Yey.

Ok, I get a look at the smaller one. He is a darker red, and his face is white with a black special x shape in the middle. His chest has a normal x and his paws and tail tip are black. His dark red eyes are filled with joy as he paws me lovingly.

I turn my head to look at the other one. He is bright red, with golden back paws and tail top. The spot above his right eye had an all-too familiar design. He opens his closes eyes and I am more confused than ever.

"America, if you wanted to kidnap and lose me here, you didn't have to disguise anyone as my parents." I call gruffly to cat sitting patiently a few tail-lengths from me.

"Ruski!" The one that looks like Soviet scolds.

I twist my head and see Germany talking with two other cats, and Japan nuzzling a cat hat looks like her mom. Ukraine is watching me with confusion.

"Rus, Third and I are real. We didn't die." 'Soviet' states. I look at America and we make eye contact.

"Russia, these are your real parents. Japan's mother as well. They won't leave you. True parents don't do that." He reassures me.

I look at 'Soviet's' pleading golden eyes and then 'Third's' sad red eyes. Those eyes are way too familiar to be fake. Then I ask in confusion, " are you alive?"

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