A sudden shriek woke me from my nightmare and I got up clumsily almost falling but balancing, then I saw movements faraway that they looked like frightened beans dodging and jumping for their lives. I challenged myself to come closer, to explore what was going on, I hesitated at first but then unconsciously my legs moved towards what looked like beans, but they weren’t, it was a girl injured yet still fighting and two grown men who looked like they were in the army but then I realised what the symbol on the man’s arm was, I recognized it somewhere…I gasped, they were the people in the village who lead the angry mob.
I was shocked, then they noticed me they drove me out of my own village I was filled with rage as it churned and twisted inside me then my body acted. I attacked the man closest to me breaking his arm he was on the floor screaming in pain and agony, I glimpsed a glint of determination in the girl’s eyes but I dropped my guard and the other man charged back at me with force and I fell to the ground with a thump -now I may not look it but I am excellent at fighting- the man tried to punch me in the face but he missed then I kneed him in the stomach but he was still on me like a tiger trying to devour its prey.
I had to think quick or we would both end up dead meat then the girl suddenly stabbed the man from behind “YOU LITTLE---UGHH!" that was my chance, I pushed him off me, I seized the blade then he let out a cry of pain, I then hit his head with the hilt of the dagger, that got him quite I got up exhausted "wow, that was quit the action don't you think." I huffed
The girl just stood there smiling, I walked toward the girl “th-thank you” she stammered, “how can I repay you”
I supported her on my shoulder and we walked all the way to my shelter. “Sit down your injured and need rest” I told her, she sat down, and her arm looked poor. “Does your arm hurt” I said sympathetically.
“It's okay and I am sorry for troubling you…I should be going now”.

Fanfiction-Just anther RWBY fanfic- Ruby made the biggest mistake in her life and her village was persuaded to chase her out so her life isnt the greatest one until she meets Lionel. What will happen now? Also ruby knows nothing about grimm and only know that...