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Grayson's POV
Why doesn't she think she's good enough? Why does she think she isn't worth living. Who made her feel like this. It's been two weeks since the accident and I just can't shake the image of hundreds of little cuts on my baby sister's wrists. She's never seemed depressed, but I have to be missing something. She wouldn't do it for no reason. I call Eve down for dinner and she comes and sits at the table. She sits the plate in front of her and gets a peach tea from the fridge. She barely touches her salad and mostly drinks her tea. She asks to be excused and goes to her room. I follow her to her room to try and talk to her and she goes in her bathroom. I hear water running and then I hear gagging inside of the bathroom doors. I knock on the door and eve replies, "I'll be out in a minute." I walk downstairs and fill in Ethan and we decided to talk to her when she gets out of the bathroom. A half hour passes and Eve's still in the bathroom, I realize. I pound on the door and get no answer. I open the door and Eve is laying on the ground next to the toilet and she looks extremely pale. I help her stand up so she can go to her room and she begins to get dizzy. I call for Ethan and he comes upstairs. "How much did you weigh when this started?" "When what started?" "Be truthful princess." "175" That's completely normal for her height. "Come here." We place her on the scale. 95 pounds. She looks down and tears began to escape her cheeks. "It's okay evey. Listen. We love you so much. But, princess you need to get help okay?" "Okay", She manages to push out in between sobs. We didn't mention anything about the self harm tonight because we didn't think she could handle it right now.
time skip to a month later
(still grayson's pov)
Eve has been going to eating disorder therapist for a month and has gained four pounds, which is practically a miracle considering how much weight she lost in the last couple of months.  I wake up on a Wednesday morning and Eve and Dalton are arguing.
A/N : Dalton is Eve's twin who's been at an art school and came back because of her struggles.
Then he say something I know he'll regret. "Are we not enough for you? Is having 3 brothers and a sister who would give you the world not good enough? Do you need something more? Maybe you do cause i'm done giving you the world and i'm sure everyone else is too. Why can't we make you happy. God, I wish you would just get better so I can go in with my real life!" "Then go back to your 'real life' because apparently it doesn't involve your TWIN SISTER!" She runs out of the kitchen and to the bathroom. I have a no good feeling and don't bother knocking before I open the door.  "PRINCESS! EVE HONEY! ETHAN!" Ethan comes running in the door and stumbles on the sight of Eve on the floor with an empty bottle of pills that I had for when I broke my ankle really bad and needed pain killers. "Oh my god! I'm calling an ambulance!" Dalton races up the stairs. "Eve what did you do?! God Eve don't die I love you so much." He calls Cameron. (who lives next door.)
Daltons pov
C=cameron D=Dalton
D- Emergency with eve get over here
C- what happened
C- Dal?

Cameron comes barging in the door yelling. "Hello?" " Upstairs!" "What happened?" "We got in an argument. I said things I didn't mean!" I began to sob into Cameron. The paramedics come into the door and upstairs and load her into an ambulance and E and Gray ride with her and Cam and I drive there. We sit in the waiting room. They inform us that she needs to get her stomach pumped and then they need to run tests. They told us that in the moment we missed the blood streaming from her arms. She cut vertically (up and down) instead of horizontal (side to side) on both her arms and that she hid it it well but she needed to have a blood transfusion and get 20 stitches in both her arms. She was going to be admitted into the physic ward for 48 hours before she can come home but we can go visit  her after E and Gray.

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