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As my school days go on I get whispers and stares. People started rumors that it was a suicide, but it wasn't. It killed his entire family. His mom, dad, 2 little sisters, and little brother. I felt as if a part of me died with Winston, and it did. My happiness went with him.
present day
I have slipped into a deep depression, have severe anxiety, and relapsed with my eating disorder. My brothers are worried. I can tell, but I have no way of soothing their worries. I am very disappointed it went this far, but there is nothing more I can do now. I walk down the stairs in a sweater and jeans, again. They seem to be my most worn objects these days. On top of everything else, I started cutting myself again. I definitely don't want my brothers finding out, it'll destroy them. They try so hard to make me happy and keep me healthy, and I feel terrible that I can't be that for them. It makes me feel even more terrible than I already do. Olivia and I are always together but we barely speak three words to each other. Until my depression and eating disorder I was an extremely happy person. I always had a smile on my face and I cracked jokes about everything. I wasn't a particular serious person and I was a rare crier. I shed a few tears when my parents left for Italy, but I wasn't that upset because I was excited to live with my brothers because it would be a really good fit.  As I walk toward the door i'm absorbed into a hug by my three older brothers. "We love you."Ethan says as he kisses my head. "I love you guys too." "So how are you liking having a youtube channel?" "It's pretty cool. I've gotta get to school guys." Ethan kisses my head again. "Okay. Have a good day." I walk out the door and put my keys in the ignition of the jeep. I pull into my school and walk to my locker and Olivia walks up. "Hey." "Hi." We part ways as I walk to my first class and the teacher announces there's a mandatory assembly in the gym. The first bell rings and everyone flocks to the gym and I snatch a front row seat with Olivia on the bottom bleacher. The teacher walks in and the lights are dim and a projector turns on and begins to project on a white pull down screen. It shows pictures of Winston and his family, as a tear runs down my cheek. Then slides of him with his siblings in the hospital when they were born, they were the cutest triplets ever.  Then pictures of  Winston and I together started to show up. First at the party where I almost died, Then at the concert. I get up and leave the gym before I can get any more upset, and go into the bathroom to sob in peace. As I begin to soothe myself Natalie and Tatiana walk through the door. "Aw, what's wrong? Not so big and tough without your boyfriend, huh?" "Can we please not do this here? Now?" "You've got nothing keeping you here. Just kill yourself already." I leave the bathroom and walk to the parking lot and walk in my house. I change out of my scorching sweater into a short sleeve short and walk into the bathroom and begin searching everyone's cabinets. Finally, in Dalton's bathroom I find a bottle of pills and get back in my car and drive to the graveyard where Winston's buried. I text in the family group chat.
Ev: Thanks for everything. For being there, for trying, for being there. I love you guys so much. I'm going somewhere better now. Im sorry.
G: Eve come home
D: where are you
E: eve!!
E: eve whats wrong
Ev: i'm going to be with him
*eve has left the conversation*
E: who's he
D: Winston.
G: Where's he buried?
E: Meet me in the car.

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