Chapter 35 : Loyalty

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S C A R L E T T  E V E R S

Senior Year

"GOOD morning Miss Evers! How is your day?" The man asked too enthusiastic for nine am on a Sunday. Scarlett smiled politely holding a thumbs-up and the man blinked somewhat disappointed by her response. She didn't care though. Scarlett made sure that whatever question he asked, he would respond without speaking or only giving short responses because this was not her preferred place to be; that would be in bed, probably ignoring a call from mason but then answering it two seconds later to tell him her hangover was not ready for his morning call which Mason would then hang-up and show up at her doorstep fifteen minutes later with a sudden desire for watching movies and eating pancakes. 

Scarlett did not want to be walking through the school with one of her least favorite teachers leading her to the principals office to discuss her grades. It didn't help that Jennifer had family connections with the principal and she was well aware that her blackmail material on Jennifer was stuffed inside her bedroom bedside table. Scarlett side-eyed her teacher as he quizzed her on whatever curricular activities were plastered on the dull walls of the school. This walk as painfully slow for her liking. Picking up her pace, Scarlett could laugh at her teachers attempt to slow her down because she knew he was waiting for an opportunity to ask her if she had any issues or anything. He was, after all, her favorite teacher during freshman year.

It seems he couldn't let go of the past. 

Scarlett could though "Sir, I think I should go the rest of this adventurous journey on my own. Fight my own dragons, you know?" giving him no room to reply, she practically jogged the last length to the principals office just faintly hearing a response that consisted of "Good chat!"

She rolled her eyes knocking politely on the door to the principals office and smoothed out her dress to look at least a bit presentable. "Enter." He allowed, she rolled her eyes once again slowly opening the door ready to act presentable when the sight of herself in the future sat on a chair accompanied by a man whom Scarlett only saw twice as he left her house at two am. This was probably a serious relationship she guessed. But then again, her dad was a serious relationship and hes gone somewhere. Is it bad Scarlett couldn't care less where her father was? "Miss Evers please take a seat." She followed his instructions, pulling down her dress slightly. No point trying to look decent, her mother would think shes a whore. Which is what everybody else thought. Even Jace. "Miss Evers, you have perfect attendance, incredible grades and have been accepted into three of your applied choices."

Scarlett nodded not even fighting back a smile as her mother whistled impressed besides her. It felt good to be appreciated, even if it was from someone who left her. "As a school we are congratulating all our top students and have decided to offer you, Miss Evers, the chance to be valedictorian." Scarlett's cheeks flamed red, she felt accomplished like she had just found a light in a tunnel of darkness without relying on Mason or Ashley. Then there was a part of her that wanted to redirect the position to someone who was actually nice to others. Someone like Ruby. The young girl who cooperated and kept her end on the deal only for Scarlett to dismiss her. "What do you say Miss Evers?"

"I-I would love to sir." Scarlett excitedly stumbled on her words making them all laugh.

"Dont forget that you will be sharing this role with someone and that person is going to be your choice as everyone we asked has turned this role down. Including Miss White,Mister Davis and Mason. Never can remember his second name." He shook his head mumbling to himself. Scarlett couldn't stop smiling, she had sat herself on the edge of her seat ready to be excused so she could tell Mason. Her hands gripped the seat ready to push off like a rocket until her engine burst as a cold hand enveloped her own, she whipped her head to the side staring at the woman who smiled widely.

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