♤ T w o ♤

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"Tzu! What the hell are you thinking about? You were spaced out!" Rosé was waving at my face as she whisper shouted. I went back to my senses and faced her.

"Mianhe." I apologized to her and she sighed

"What were you thinking about?" She asked me, shoot.


"Oh really? Are you thinking about Bambam?" She asked as she smirked and I stuttered and answered, "A-aniyo!! Why w-would I t-think a-about h-h-him?"

"See, your stuttering, you are thinking about him!" Rosé unnie chuckled as she crossed her arms, I just sighed and pouted then said, "Aish fine, but what can I do? You are lucky that you have a sweet, caring and kind boyfriend unlike me who is still single af."

"Tch, why don't you just be together with Taehyung? He's nice afterall, but I understand why you don't like him cause he's ~."

"Annoying!" That word just slipped out of my mouth, because he really is.

"Just don't mind him tho." That's the only word that she said and our professor has arrived our classroom. Our one and only, I mean not only, boring professor who is really stroct as hell.

"Goodmorning everyone! We will be having a 20 item quiz in Math so study NOW!!" Professor Jean said and we all groaned in annoyance

"Oh so you don't like a 20 item quiz, okay then let's make it 30 items. If you don't agree again I will make it 100 items UNDERSTOOD!??!!" Professor Jean warned and we just answered, "Yes professor!"

Good thing I studied enough, its not fair, Rosé unnie is good at almost everything. She's almost perfect, how?

"I know what your thinking Tzu, and for the last time, I'm not perfect." She whispered enough for only me to hear.

=After an hour=

Author's POV
Got7's schedule (except Mark)


7am to 8am - Classes
8am to 8:30am - Break time
8:30am to 11:30am - Basketball warmup
11: 30pm to 12pm - Lunch time
12am to 5pm - Basketball game-like
5pm to 5:20pm - Cleanup


Mark's schedule


7am to 8am - Classes
8am to 8:30am - Break time
8:30am to 11:30am - Martial arts training
11: 30pm to 12pm - Lunch time
12am to 1pm - Basketball warmup
1pm to 5pm - Basketball game-like
5pm to 5:20pm - Cleanup


"Mark hyung! Are you even listening?" Jackson said and he just got back from his senses

He just stood up and he just bumped again to someone.

"Aish, be careful would you?! Are you blind?" He shouted and it caused the students to look at them

"I'm sorry, you were the one who isn't looking. Maybe you are the one who's blind!" She shouted back

'Aish this is the girl that I bumped earlier!!!' Mark thought

"Guys, guys that's enough! Mark hyung this is Rosé and Tzuyu by the way." Jackson approached them and Mark just rolled his eyes, "I am not interested to know her so please!" Then he left.

"I'll follow him, just eat whatever you want." Jinyoung said and they nodded

Mark on the other hand, is punching the wall beside the lockers several times.

"Yah hyung stop!" Jinyoung held his hand

"How can I stop when my mother grounded me in playing basketball for a week and our game is near, I am even the MVP in our team!" He yelled

"Calm yourself up would you? If your angry don't include others." Jinyoung said


Jaebum's POV
"Hey girls!" Youngjae greeted

"Annyeong!!!" Theh greeted back while smiling

"Jaebum oppa!" Yugyeom teased me and I glared at him.

"Stop it Yugyeom! It disgusts me when you call me oppa!" I said and we laughed

Yes, they always tease me using the word oppa. I would freaking cringe because....... aish, just understand me! 😂

"And they are back!" Bambam said and Mark just told him, "Shut your damn mouth!"

Two boys approached us and someone pulled Rosé and Tzuyu away from us.

"Yah what's your problem?" We heard Rosé talking

"Why would you be with those bunch of losers over there?" The guy with a bunny-like face asked

"Excuse me? Losers?" Bambam blurted out.

"And who are you to call us a loser and to pull her away from us?" Mark asked and we were shocked to what he said, even his own self was shocked

"I have a right to pull her away from you because she's my girlfriend!" He said

"So? Better let us know who you are before you make a mess here at our table!" Yugyeom said

"Guys that's enough! Jungkook let's go, don't start a fight here!" Rosé spoke

"Sorry guys, see you later. I guess." She continued but that guy spoke again, "You are not going with them later!"

"Who the hell are you to treat her like a child?" Jinyoung asked seriously while his arms are crossed.

"Jeon Jungkook, Bangtan Boy's MVP and this girl right here is my girlfriend and I have my right to treat her like this."

"Like we care?" Mark mumbled but enough for the Got7 members to hear.

"Kaja! We are just waisting our time here." Jungkook swinging his arms over Rosé's shoulders and while they were walking away Rosé looked over to us worriedly until they disappeared from our view. Then Tzuyu followed but before she could leave, "Sorry for the commotion guys, we'll try to sort this out."

"It's nothing, thanks Tzuyu!" I said and she left

Rosé's POV
Once we were at the gym's locker area, we stopped walking and Tzuyu and I faced the two of them.

"Why are you two with them?" Jungkook asked sternly

"Why is it wrong? They are our friends." I excalimed

"Got7 is our rival and we aren't supposed to be friends with them. Get it?" He said and I just rolled my eyes

"They are nice Jeon Jungkook, they may be your rival in the game but don't take it to literally." I said

"I just did that because I don't want go see you near boys because you are my girlfriend." He said and I just responded, "Whatever!" Then I left with Tzuyu.

As we went to our last schedule for the day which is Volleyball. I changed into a white shirt and a short black jersey shorts that is written number 11 on it.

Just want to tell you, and I am not being conceit. I am the team's spiker last time and when  our Captain ball graduated I became our team's Captain Ball and I became and MVP a lot of times but this drives me crazy.

If you wamt to know which do I prefer, Cheerleading or Volleyball, well I woukd have to say its both, they both let me become flexible and it both gives me strength.

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