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Jinyoung's POV
After that short arguement we guys head to the gym and our coach hasn't arrived yet. Mark hyung is just sat at the belchers because he is grounded while we wait for Coach JYP to come.

Oopsss........ I said it to soon.

"Am I late?" He asked and we responded, "Not really coach!" Then we smiled.

"Now let's start the game, play rock paper scissors then let's see who's team mates!"

Teams are Jaebum, Youngjae, Jackson then our team is Bambam, Yugyeom and me.

Mark hyung just stared at us and as he get bored, he just plug his earphones and listened to musics on his phone.

=A few hours later=

"Jinyoungie here's your bottle." Mark handed me my bottle

"Thanks!" Then I drank half of the water from the bottle due my thirst and tiredness.

"Good game everyone, rest for a few minutes and start cleaning up your things and you may go home. Annyeong!" Coach said then we responded, "Bye coach!"

"Hyung, how bout we get ice cream before we go home!" I stood beside him then he nodded we both walked our way to the ice cream shop and as we are walking, we spotted two girls also walking their way to the ice cream shop.

"Rosé! Tzuyu!" I shouted and waved at them

"Jinyoung!" They waved back and we approached each other.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked

"We were about to buy ice cream, how about you guys?" Rosé replied then Mark answered, "Same as you two."

"Let's go inside shall we?" I said and they nodded

We all went inside the shop and while buying ice creams......

"Umm.... by the way Rosé, sorry about a while ago." Mark hyung apologized and she just smiled and said, "I understand why you were like that, It's okay tho."

We got our orders and we decided to stay and talk a little bit more ie.

"How about you guys tell us about yourselves and we'll tell things about ourselves too." Tzuyu said

"Well that's a good idea." Rosé said and I talked first.

"Since all of you knew about me already let's skip to Mark." I said and they chuckled and Mark pouted and glared at me.

"Well, I 'm Mark Yien Tuan. Just call me Mark, Got7's MVP in basketball. I am an American, I am an only child and I'm living with my mother and father. I am a 93 liner and I also do martial arts." Mark hyung said and I saw his ear reddens, he is embarrassed, tsk tsk tsk.

"I'm Chou Tzuyu, my english name is Sally but I am mostly called Tzuyu or Chewy. I am not a Volleyball player, just a cheerleader and I am a 99 liner. I mostly do swimming and archery, and I am a Taiwanese."

"I am Park Chaeyoung and my english name is Roséanne Park but just call me Rosé in short. I am a cheerleader and Volleyball team's MVP. I am also a 97 liner. I am Korean but I was born in New Zealand and I am formerly living in Australia so I can speak in English with a half Austrialan and New Zeland accent. I speak Japanese, English and Korean."

"What team in Volleyball are you in?" I asked

"I am in the Felix team, our enemies are the Eagles." She responded

"How about in cheerleading?" Mark asked

"Sad to say but we are in Bangtan's team which we hate." Tzuyu said

"Why? Isn't your so called boyfriend is there?" He asked

"Well we are supposed to team up with you guys but my boyfriend, Jungkook and my cousin, Jimin, encouraged us to be on their team so we ended up being on their side and our life is like living dungeon. They won't let us go near other teams and be friend with them." Rosé answered and sat her back on the chair.

"We have to go, it's getting late." Tzuyu said

"How about we'll walk with you, it's already dark and its dangerous out here." I said and at first, they refused but as we encouraged them we ended up walking together going to their dorm.

"Bye guys, we'll see you tomorrow." Rosé said and we bid our goodbyes to each other.

Then we walked straight to our dorm. We opened the door to be greeted by Yugyeom and Bambam chasing Jackson, Youngjae stopping them and Jaebum scolding them and fixing the mess they made.

"Yah where have you two been?" Jaebum asked

"We just bought ice cream and we had a small chat with Rosé and Tzuyu." Mark replied

"Yah you three stop!" Jaebum and I shouted then luckily they stopped

"See, mom and dad is angry right now." Youngjae teased and Mark and him giggled and we just sent them a death glare.

"What is wrong with the three of you?" Jinyoung asked

"They playing pranks on me so I chased them!" Jackson said and the four og us face palmed ourselves.

"Whatever, I'm gonna cook. I am f*cking hungry." Mark said

"Yah no cursing!" I said and he didn't respond and continued making his way to the kitchen. He is really one quiet person, he has an attitued of making everybody peaceful even though he curse at some time. He always thinks forst before he do something but when he is out of control he could never know what is he going to do.

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