Chapter 4

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“How the hell does this thing work?!” I said starting to feel pissed. I wanted to smash this phone into the wall until it’s chattered to a million pieces. I looked over to Justin who was laughing his ass off.

“Give me that” he said and took the phone from my hand.

“Justin it’s not funny”

“yes it is”





“Whatever just fix it” I said and he smiled to himself then started fixing the phone

“Here you go” he said and handed me the phone.

“What’s that?” I asked and pointed on the app that had a white bird on it.


“And what does it do?”

“It’s like a network where you talk to people and celebrities”

“And why would I want that?”

“It’s cool, check it out”

I entered the application and went to the mentions and interactions, I guess it’s when people mention you or whatever.

“Justin’s wife and 9 other people follow you?” I said more likely to be a question.

“My fans are the best” I shook my head and then checked my mentions again. It read: @JustinBieber mentioned you in a tweet: Welcome to twitter @SummerPearland!

Then all of a sudden, my followers hit to 1000.

“What just happened?” I asked shocked. 

“I repeat… my fans are the best”

“Or more like… creepy”   

“You did not just say that about my beliebers”

“beliebers? Oh my god justin”

“That’s what they call themselves”

“Yup, exactly creepy”

I refreshed my mentions and they blew up. Girls were tweeting me;

You better back off of justin.

How do you know justin?! Why did he tweet you?

Are you and justin dating?


“Justin… what’s up with your so called ‘beliebers’?” i asked 

“Let’s just say, they are over-protective” he said and laughed

“or creepy” I answered.

“shut up summer” he said and I started laughing, how he gets pissed when I say something about his ‘beliebers’ makes him so cute. He spent almost half an hour explaining and teaching me about twitter and how to use this phone. It’s so cool. All of it.

“What do you think Scott is doing?” I asked.

“Don’t ever call him by his first name, he’ll kill you. Call him scooter scoot, anything but never call him scott” he said warning me and pointing a finger to my face. I raised my hands up in the air pretending like I surrender.

“Sorry, sorry” I said sarcastically. “Anyway, do you think she’d say yeah?” I asked referring to Carin, and YES he is proposing today.

“They’ve been together for 3 years, I think she would”

“I hope so” he answered.

“If I was your boyfriend I’d never let you go,

I can take you places you’ve never been before

Baby take a chance or you’ll never ever know …” my phone started ringing, and yes, justin forced me to put his song as my ringtone. I checked the caller ID, I didn’t recognize it but whatever, I just answered.

“Hello?” I said.

“Hello there, summer”

This voice rang through my ear and through all of my body. The voice I fear, the one I would rather die than hear again. I felt like the whole world started folding up and preside on my shoulders. Fear danced inside of me. My tears were sitting on the edge of my eyes threatening to fall down. Right now, at this moment, my life shattered into a million pieces. Hades, he found me… just like I’ve expected. I was lost, speechless, unable to do anything, I sank in my thoughts, I just froze there, feeling dreaded, and panicked as ever, until his voice snapped me back to life.

“And you thought you could run away another time, funny you” he said being sarcastic, bitter he made me feel and bitter he is. I was out of words; I could not induce the fact of hearing his voice again. I was just sick and tired; I need someone to protect me, someone to be there for me. I just need my freedom back, and I need loving people around me, like justin and scooter.

“W-what do you want?” i said through gritted teeth.This sentence took every ounce of energy and guts inside of me to say.

“You know exactly what I want” he answered. Now this reply sent shivers down my whole body, I knew exactly what he wanted, he is right, he wanted ME, and he always gets what he wants no matter how much it would take, Hades always gets what he wants.

“Is there anything wrong? he said acting all so concerned, but surely doesn’t give a damn. There was nothing left for me to do or say, so I simply hung up, frightened, unable to undergo the fact that I just talked to Hades. I looked over to justin who was staring at me with questions written all over his face. My eyes were watery that I could only see justin’s figure as a blur. I closed my eyes taking in all that had happened and that caused some tears to slide down my cheeks tickling my face. And I think that was when the realization hit justin. He stood up and came over to me whipping the tears that have chaired on my cheeks. “sshhh” he mumbled trying to comfort me, but guess what? IT DID NOT WORK. Now, the tears where falling down from my eyes freely and uncontrollably and that’s when justin pulled me into his chest, now his scent filling me up, we just stood there, me crying, and him hugging me. Why me? Why should it have to be me? Questions overflew through my mind. Now Hades knows where I am, and he will get me, he will come and get me, even if he has to kill Justin or Scooter or Pattie or Carin, and that’s the part that frightens me the most.

“Summer tell me what he said” justin asked.

“He-he found me justin” I said and then started crying… again, justin’s grip got tighter now and he wasn’t letting me go. “He’s going to take me back, I know that. Hades always gets what he wants, and now he wants ME, so he would do ANYTHING to get that” justin's shirt was wet from all the tears i shed Justin loosened his hug and placed his finger under my chin and pulled my head up gently. We were looking into each other’s eyes. His stare would seriously burn a whole in my face, he was just too concentrated.

“I always get what I want too, and I want you” he said. Now, now I was feeling my blood boiling up inside of me. Why did justin say that? What did he mean? This made me feel so protected but I was still freaked out, and yet… so happy that I heard these words from justin, he wants me? Does he mean that? Why do I even care? Do I like him? I’m just lost.

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