Chapter 13

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I walked to the kitchen hoping no one would pop out of nowhere, I’m thirsty and it’s like 3 in the morning, all the lights are off and all I can hear is the sound of crickets from the forest that’s surrounding us. I tip toed my way to the fridge and felt for the handle, I grabbed the water bottle and turned around to try and find a cup but my heart dropped when I bumped into a figure I tried to hold in my squeal, but it didn’t work. I walked backwards to the wall unable to see a thing what if it’s hades? I looked for the lights and turned it on to notice a really unconscious Louis. Did I mention he’s in his boxers? Only.

“Louis?” I asked

“mm?” he said rubbing his eyes.

“what are you doing here?” I asked.

“I don’t know” he said and then turned around and left. okay, I think he was sleep walking. I opened the top cupboards to search for a glass and then poured some water. I knew if I was going to go back to bed I would never fall asleep so I grabbed my phone and logged on twitter, you might call me a creeper but I was simply investigating some accounts.

summer is so ugly I can’t believe justin even talks to her”

“this Pearland girl is so fat she makes me want to puke”  

I honestly wish I was fat.

“she looks like she’s been on drugs, slut”

“stop hating on summer she is gorgeous you are all just jealous”

At least some one has a heart. I went to justin’s profile to “investigate”

“missed her already”

“I love you all… my beliebers”

“thank you all for the support I love you”

“I don’t know how she does it, but she always manages to look gorgeous”

Was he talking about me? no probably not, it’s most probably beyonce… then I tweeted;

“if you don’t have anything nice to say, just don’t say anything” and yes It’s for all the hate they  send me.

@justinbieber mentioned you in a tweet; you should be sleeping babe. I miss you.”

I giggled to myself and tweeted back;

you should be sleeping too love, are you thinking about me? haha.”

My phone started ringing and it was obviously justin.

“hello?” I replied.

“who’s sending you hate? I’m going to kill them all” he said

“apparently your ‘beliebers’ think I’m fat, drug dealer, slut, and ugly” I answered, “but, whatever anyway”

“summer, don’t let them get to you, you are beautiful and amazing” he says, yeah sure I am.

“Yeah, listen I got to go sleep, see you in two days!” I said then quickly hung up and burst into tears. I just don’t understand why do they all hate me, what did I ever do to them? I checked my twitter once again and most of the mentions were hate. Why am I even wasting my time on this? I need to go to bed.

Justin’s POV-

I knew they would all send her hate. Why do they keep on doing that to the people I talk to? I love my fans but this is just so rude. I really need to see summer I miss her a lot and I think she’s mad at me for some reason. It wasn’t my fault that I had an interview and couldn’t say bye. Maybe it’s not about this, maybe it’s because I never mentioned the kiss anymore, does she think I don’t like her? Cause if she does, she’s absolutely mistaken. I need to make things clear but I’m scared she doesn’t feel the same way. But, before we even kissed I made it god damn clear that I liked her! If she cares she would bring the subject up because I already told her about my feelings. Now it’s her turn. Whatever, why am I even thinking about this? I need to go to bed.

 Carin’s POV-

“WAKE UP” I shouted as I entered Pattie’s and Summer’s room. They both moaned but I ignored and walked to the windows and opened the curtains.

“CARRIIIIIIN, I AM GOING TO KILL YOU” shouted summer covering her face with the pillow.

“ME TOO” added Pattie and I laughed at how childish they are.

 “come on get up today is the bachelor party!” I cheered and they both, at the same time, jumped out of their beds.

“TODAY?” screamed summer. “I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO PLAN IT” she added.

“Turns out Lou already did” I answered. Lou always surprises me, he’s the best nephew ever.

“But… but, he’s a guy!” pouted summer.

“awww, it’s okay dear… now wake up we’re all waiting for you guys downstairs” I said.

“Why?” asked summer,

“We are going to play volleyball” I said and left the room.

I walked downstairs and they all looked at me

“So are they coming?” asked Sandra.

“Yeah, they are getting ready” I said and we all walked outside.

Mike, Josh (my brother, also Lou’s dad), and grandpa- Dan were setting up the net.

 “Where’s Louis?” I asked no one in particular.

“Swimming with the kids” answered Mike.

“He’s not going to play?”

“Yes of course he is” said Josh.


Back to Summer’s POV-

I wonder what happened to Hades… why haven’t he sent me any message or something? Is this something good? And where is Kenny?

“BOU!” shouted someone from behind and I jumped.

“KENNY” I shouted still shocked. “YOU SCARED THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF ME” I said and slapped him and he started laughing.

“Sorry” he said trying to control his laughter.

“Not sunny” I answer and glared at him

 “yes it is”





“I can go on till forever so you better surrender” I said and pointed my finger in his face.

“I SURRENDER!” he shouted sarcastically and I laughed.

“You playing volleyball with us?” I asked.

“Yup!” he answered. “Is hades bugging you with any creepy texts?” he whispered so I was the only one that can hear him. I shook my head and he nodded. “Great” he smiled and we both walked outside and saw everyone waiting for us. How did pattie get here? And why is Lou so gorgeous? Aww, he’s so cute with kids.

Oh wait… I don’t know how to play volleyball. Shit… now I need to create some lame excuse.  


i know no one reads the A/N but whatever i'm still going to write something. 

okay so... 

i don't know if i should make summer and louis date so help me chose. and should i get rid of Hades quick? mwahahah, don't think so.

i will try to post really soon, but no promises because i really have A LOT of quizzes/tests and all this shit, now i go study and all but then the quiz turns out to be so lame. meh, life is life. and i don't even get why do we even have to study all this shit? trust me when we graduate we are going to forget every fucking thing. Oh and we also have to memorize like 2 whole pages about a dead person you know why? because fuck logic :)

haha and i also found this quote on twitter, i don't think it's even a quote but still it's funny

"Then Satan said... Add the alphabets to math!"  

hahaha, anyway i talk too much. BYE. 


PS. i fan back :) 

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