Chapter 1

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Okay, so this is the first story i post, i worked really hard on it, and i'm new here so i hope it doesn't suck.


"It is now or never" I thought trying to convince myself to just run out of this hellhole. I am fed up; I just need to leave this place of pain and turmoil.

Cautiously, I twisted the door knob and eyed the corridor. It was occupied by Hades - his name meant "hell", what a coincidence, it describes him perfectly. Hell he was. - He looked wasted, lying on the floor, helpless. Probably over dozed, actually... hopefully over dozed.

It is the time for me to escape, to run away from that misery. And no, I am not exaggerating. It is the least I can say for being physically, mentally, and emotionally abused, each and every day of my life since I was 9 years old.

I closed my eyes trying to hold back the tears. "It's now or never" I mumbled again deciding to take action this time. I opened the door carefully not wanting to cause any sound, and tipped toed downstairs. Now, I couldn't hold back my tears anymore, I looked around the house once again hoping it would be the last time I ever come here and knowing that for sure, the next morning when Hades figures out I'm gone, he will have the rest of his gang searching for me. I opened the front door and that's when I started running, I ran for... forever, tears were streaming down my face, I cried my heart out, and it surprised me how one can have that much tears. I dropped down on the floor hugging my legs into my chest and burying my face in between them, I was out of breath and energy. Questions started flooding through my head, what am I going to do now? I have never been out of the house for about 8 years now, a lot has changed in this world, I knew that, how am I going to survive not knowing what to do or where to go? Why me? Why do I always have to suffer? What did I ever do to life?

It was dark and breezy, and I lied in the middle of who-knows-where, probably on a side walk of a street. I was alone, scared to death, not knowing what the hell should I do. Should I go back? Or should I continue? It's my only chance, i can't back down.

I snapped back to reality to a manly figure standing right in front of me. "Is there something wrong" He asked. I shakily got off the floor trying to pull myself back together.

"N-no" I replied hesitantly.

"Come here, you look cold" he said offering his jacket and wrapping it around my shoulders. Flashbacks started flooding back and the way he touched me reminded me of Hades. I quickly reacted by backing away, "DON'T TOUCH ME!" I screamed.

"I-I'm sorry" he answered with worry written all over his face. Why is he worrying about me? He is just a random stranger.

"Dear, I would really like to help if there is anything wrong... my name is scooter, Scooter Braun, what's yours?"

Help is all I need- i wanted to say, but instead,

"I'm fine" i answered dryly.

"It doesn't seem like it, what's your name dear?"

Maybe he truly wants to help me... I should give it a try.

"S-Summer Pearland"

"Nice to meet you summer, where are your parents?"

"They- they passed away when I was 8"

"Oh I'm sorry... with who are you staying?" this question stung my heart. It reminded me of Hades, since he is the guy that adopted me after my parents died. I shook my head not wanting to answer, and I think Scooter got a hint.

"Come, let's get you home, where's your house?" he asked.

Great... Just great! "Umm... I don't know" i answered.

"So you're lost?"

"Kind of" i said with tears piling up in my eyes.

"Well, if you'd like to come to my house and call your parents from there, then i'm fine with that" he offered with a warm smile.

"S-scooter, I will involve you in a huge mess, it can be dangerous. You can leave me alone, I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me" no matter how much I wanted to go with scooter, I had to tell him the truth, I don't want anyone to get involved in the dirt I'm in.

"It's okay sweetie, come on let's leave" he gestured me his jacket once again and this time I accepted.

"Thank you" I answered.


I walked into his house, it was huge. There was a wooden round table in the middle of the entrance with a crystal chandelier above it. There were two sets of stairs, probably like a mansion that led to the next floor. Scooter led me to behind the stairs and there were two salons, both amazingly furnished. There was a door that led to the family room; it was cozy, with a big TV and under it a chimney. I was stunned. He then took me to the kitchen, it had an island in the middle and on the other side was a dining table that seated 8 people. He took me upstairs and there were 5 rooms, 4 bedrooms and another family room. He showed me the guest room and told me that I was welcomed to stay for whenever I wanted.

"Thank you, scooter" I said and smiled.

"Don't thank me summer, now are you going to tell me your story?" he asked. Of course he had to know. I mean I'm like a stranger in his house, of course he'd want to know my story, and I can't run away from my past. I guess I just have to tell him.

I sat on the bed and he was leaning on the door frame.

"I was adopted when I was 8 since my parents died. I have a sister but I don't know where or who or what happened to her, another family adopted her... and my step parents were... not exactly parents, if this makes sense" I said and then tears filled up in my eyes. I tried holding them in but a few where escaping, and before I burst into crying I managed to stop.

"What do you mean by 'not exactly parents'?" he said and sat beside me. I was looking at the floor remembering some stuff and trying to find the words to describe them.

"Well, my step mother left, she actually ran away."

"Why?" now he looked confused, not understanding a thing I was saying.

"Hades, my abusive step dad"

"ABUSIVE?" he stressed on that word, shocked.

"Yes, abusive, emotionless, fucked up step dad" I said in rage.

"I-I'm really sorry"

"There is nothing you can do about it, by tomorrow he will find me and take me back"


"You don't know what he can do, scooter. He will kill you and everyone you know if it will get him what he wants"

"And what exactly does he want?"



"Because I'm sort of a toy that he can hit, cut, drug, and..." I stopped not wanting to talk anymore, I can't do this. I just can't.

"And what? Summer, to get over it, you should talk about it" what he said was true, but it's too hard for me, it's not as easy as it sounds like you know?

"Can we talk tomorrow?" I asked. I just want to rest, something I haven't done for ages.

"Sure, you can have a shower if you want. I will get some cloths ready once you're done"

"I can't thank you enough scooter"

He smiled and walked away, I walked into the bathroom and took my shirt off and stared at myself for a minute, all the scars and bruises looked horrible. I turned to the side, oh god, I'm anorexic, well I never really ate properly, and I need to gain A LOT of weight I thought to myself.

I quit studying myself because it made me feel insecure. I got in the tub and showered. I changed into the cloths scooter left for me and fell into the deepest and longest sleep ever. Finally, rest.

So i'm kind of nervous about posting the first chapter, but hope you would like it.

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