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I've been itching to write a Jeongcheol fanfic. I even recieved some messages to write a Jeongcheol fanfic due to my profile. This is my first Jeongcheol story so here goes, I'm so excited!😆

The blonde haired guy sat across from the black haired one, beads of sweat forming on his brows as he twisted his fingers, holding tightly to the camera in his hands.  The air conditioner in the small hall was doing little or nothing to stop the perspiration all over his body. He took one deep breath and swept past the lock of hair blocking his eyes. The black haired guy stood. He definitely hadn't noticed him at all. He looked at the sexy receptionist typing something on her computer and walked to her. 

"I don't think I can wait any longer" He said with a tired expression.

The receptionist widened her eyes. 

"He will be right back. He's only been gone a few minutes"

The man shook his head

 "I'm a very busy man you know, just tell him I will give him a call" He smirked.

The woman nodded knowing she couldn't change his mind. "Alright then Mr S coups" 

Scoups nodded and left the hall. The blonde watched with the corner of his eyes as he heard the door of the hall slam shut. Quickly, he stood up. 

"Yoon Jeonghan?" The receptionist called out looking confused. Jeonghan turned to her with a fake smile plastered on his face.

"I will be back! Just have to go somewhere"

The receptionist said nothing and just returned her gaze to her computer. Jeonghan sighed and left the hall. He walked out of the building to the parking lot and looked around for Scoups red sports car. He didn't see it. He was already gone. 

"Damn! I lost him again" He whispered to himself. Instantly, his phone rang in his jean pocket. He answered already dreading the talk. 

"So, Jeonghan anything?" said the voice on the other line.

"No... I lost him again"

There was an uncomfortable silence before the other voice spoke again.

"Jeonghan, don't come back to the office"


"You are fired!" Then the line went off. Jeonghan stared at the phone blankly, tears almost threatening to break free from his eyes but he held back and started to drag his feet. He was tired and hungry. He dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out loose change. He almost screamed at the top of his lungs. Couldn't this day get any worse?

He stood at the bus stop and waited for the bus. It came and he boarded. Again, it was filled up so he had to stand for a full thirty minutes before he reached his destination. He got out and walked slowly and briskly to his apartment building. It was a modest duplex with a long staircase leading to the second floor where he stayed with his roommate. He climbed the stairs and walked to his apartment door. When he arrived, he could hear loud music blaring from the stereo inside. He knew his room mate was dancing again. He knocked on the door, no answer. He knocked two more times and the door finally opened. His roommate stared at him closely as Jeonghan entered. 

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