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Jeonghan was very happy and it was obvious for everyone to see. But no one could understand why he glowed. The two days one night show went on smoothly and quickly so was his relationship with Scoups. Soon it all came to an end and It was time to go. Mingyu and Wonwoo left first but Scoups decided to linger for a few days with Jeonghan so that he could properly date him without prying eyes so he rented a small condo for a week and waited to tell Jeonghan after they had wrapped up the shooting for two days one night.

Jeonghan was wondering if they would leave Jeju so soon. He wanted he and Scoups to spend more time together. He knew that once they returned to Seoul, they would have to hide their relationship but he didn't want that.

That night, they were in Scoups car driving to God knows where.

"Where are we going Cheol?"

"We'll be there soon, don't worry" Scoups whispered and Jeonghan nodded. The drive was quite long because Jeonghan passed out. He woke up to Scoups voice. He had already stopped the car in front of a wooden house surrounded with sandy beaches and blue bright seas. 

"Wake up Jeonghan" Scoups whispered smiling brightly at him, his dimples were so deep into his cheeks. Jeonghan got out of the car and looked at the house. It looked small and homely. It felt totally excluded from the rest of the world.

"Where are we?"

Scoups wrapped an arm around his waist.

"This my love, is where we are going to spend the next one week, just you and me!"
A smile crept up on Jeonghan's face. 

"Just you and me?"

Scoups nodded "That's right"

He held his hand "Let's go in. It's pretty cold out here" He said and they went in. It was a normal house. It had a small parlor with a fire place, a bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. Jeonghan loved it. He could imagine just him and Scoups living together like this for the rest of their lives but the harsh realization hit him at that moment. They could never spend the rest of their lives together, they could never marry or show their affection for each other in public because half of the world would never accept it and Scoups was a very big star. There where so many obstacles but one thing he knew was that he wouldn't let go of him now. When the time comes for him to leave, he would but for now, he was going to love him as much as he could 

"I love it" He whispered and Scoups wrapped his arms around his waist and brought his lips to his. 

"I've never felt this way before about anyone" Scoups whispered.

"me neither" Jeonghan responded.

Scoups looked at him and smiled. "are you hungry?"

Jeonghan nodded. "A little"

"Can you cook?"

He looked thoughtful "Not much" He smirked. "Ramyeon?"

Scoups nodded "Then Ramyeon it is"

He dragged him to the kitchen. It was a modest kitchen. Scoups opened a drawer and brought out some packs.

"How did you do all this?" jeonghan said. 

"I planned it out. I want this week to be very special. We might not get this chance again"

"You are right" Jeonghan said and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. They prepared the ramyeon and took it to the parlor to eat. Scoups also brought out a bottle of wine and put up the fire. It was really cozy as they ate their food and drank their wine. 

"Hannie ah, tell me about yourself"

Jeonghan narrowed his eyes. He hesitated a bit. 

"I don't know if I should tell you about my life"

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