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Jeonghan stared at his lover. He could see in his face that it was all over. 

"I don't know how this news came to be but I swear it isn't true"

Scoups shook his head "Are you a reporter?"

Jeonghan gulped. "I was but I got fired.... "

"Did you spy on me?"

"yes.... "

"Have you ever written articles about me?"

He looked down at his feet embarrassed. "em... Yes but few...."

"Jeonghan!" He yelled and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Why did you do this to me? Do you know what you have done? My album is coming out in two weeks. This.... "

Jeonghan grew angry. "Is that all you care about? Your album? What about my dignity, my pride? You haven't even given me an opportunity to explain myself . All you've done is accuse me"

"what do you expect me to do?"

"Trust me!" The tears were flowing from his eyes now. His heart was shattering.

"I cannot loose everything I have because of you Jeonghan..."

The blonde froze. "Is that how much you love me?"
He stood upright and wiped his eyes, sniffing softly.

"I know that I did wrong for not telling you the truth that I was a reporter but I would never betray you this way just for a promotion. I love you... "

"But now I see that this love was only one sided. You never loved me if not you wouldn't have believed these lies about me!"

"Jeonghan..." Scoups whispered weakly.

"I have nothing to do here" he said and ran upstairs to the bedroom. With tears streaming down his face, he threw all his clothes and possessions into the small duffel bag he had brought with him. He felt like dying. After packing, he grabbed his bag and headed downstairs. He found Scoups already on a bottle of alcohol sitting on the couch. He couldn't help himself

"Stop that... " he whispered trying to snatch away the bottle.

"You don't have the right to tell me what to do anymore Jeonghan, we are through"

Jeonghan smiled bitterly trying to regain his lost dignity.

"Alright then, goodbye!"

Jeonghan couldn't stay anymore and ran out of the door. As soon as he was standing in the middle of Scoups compound, the rain started to drizzle. When he was out of the gate, it started falling in torrents. He couldn't move anymore. His legs were too weak to carry him so he crouched down and buried himself in his hands crying like he never had.
Hoshi was surprised to see him when he knocked on the door at past two that night.

"Jeonghan what are you doing here? It's so late" He looked at his clothes.

"Gosh, you are wet pabo"

He pulled him inside and sat him on the couch, dropped his bag and went to the kitchen to make him some tea.

"What happened?" Hoshi asked.

"Have you seen the news?"
Hoshi shook his head

"No" He gave him the tea and Jeonghan sipped slowly.

"But I was hearing strange rumors about you today"

"What was it about?"

"Well that you and Scoups are dating but that you are only using him to get a promotion so you leaked it to your old company"
The tears were threatening to fall again.

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