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Ever since that day, Jeonghan avoided Scoups. He ensured that he was never alone with him but the man didn't seem like he minded. He seemed like he had something up his sleeves. However lately, he had been having secret talks, secret meetings but jeonghan didn't want to care.

Few days after that day, Scoups prepared to film the two days one night segment. He invited Jeonghan to his house. Jeonghan didn't know why he was there. Scoups popped champagne and brought take outs.

"Scoups, what's with all these?" Jeonghan muttered as Scoups handed him a glass of champagne. They were in his living room. The TV was switched on and they were watching a movie.

"Why did you bring me here?" he asked again.

"I want you to come with me to jeju tomorrow"
Jeonghan nearly coughed out the champagne he had drank. "To film Two days and one Night? But why?"

"Because you are my manager and I will need you to do somethings for me"
Jeonghan scoffed. "Like what?"
Scoups gulped nervously

 "I don't know, anything" He sipped his champagne "I just want you close by"
Jeonghan's brows furrowed in anger. "I'm not your slave okay? I'm your manager!" He shouted and gulped down the champagne. He took another while Scoups quietly watched.
Before long, Jeonghan was drunk and began talking gibberish.

"You can't treat me anyhow you like. I'm a human being" He hit his chest looking at Scoups.

"You can't keep seducing me with your eyes, your cute smile, your sexy charisma"
He hit his chest harder.

"You, you are so mean. You only care about yourself. I'm a nobody! A gay bastard. Even my parents were ashamed of me, that was why they died so young"
He began to cry,  his tears spilling down his face.

"Don't do this to me Scoups okay? I just want to work and earn something for myself. Don't make my life complicated"

Scoups listened quietly and smiled. He was sorry to Jeonghan but he wanted him ever since the day he set his eyes on him and he was going to have him at any cost. Jeonghan stopped talking and rested back on the couch. Scoups sighed and lifted him onto his arms bridal style. He carried him upstairs to the room and placed him on the bed then he laid down next to him and stared at his face. He slowly swept back a lock of hair hiding Jeonghan's eyes and laughed quietly to himself.

He could look at Jeonghan's face all night. He was that beautiful. Slowly, he closed his eyes and surrendered to the sleep that he had been deprived of since a long time.

Jeonghan woke up to the ringing of his phone. When he saw where he was, he was taken aback but he didn't have the time to dwell on it. He picked up. It was the Hr manager yelling at him that Scoups was not on set. Jeonghan ran out of the room. He realized he was in Scoups home. His head ached due to the hangover he was experiencing. Jeonghan searched for Scoups and found him in the kitchen. The scent of eggs permeating the air.

"You are awake. Sit down, Breakfast will soon be ready"
Jeonghan put his hands on his waist. "What are you doing right now, my phone has been on fire because of you"

"Breakfast is ready!" Scoups declared, ignoring his earlier statement. He placed the food on the table.

"Let's eat" He said and began to devour his food.

"I can't believe this" Jeonghan groaned and sat on the chair close to his. Despite everything, he was hungry and he found himself attacking his eggs.

"How can you be so relaxed?" He whispered.
Scoups smirked making Jeonghan's heart beat faster again.

"I'm Scoups, the biggest rapper in Korea. I'm always fashionably late. I'm always the first to leave never the first to arrive, let them wait"

Jeonghan scoffed. He didn't know whether to feel impressed or irritated.

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