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Jeonghan stood there staring back at the older man until he felt it was enough and tore his eyes away trying to focus on anything. Anything but him. But then, he felt slow footsteps coming towards him and panicked knowing it was Scoups. To calm his nerves, he grabbed a glass of wine from the tray of a passing waiter and gulped it all at once. He froze when he heard his soft clear voice.

"Hello!" He greeted and Jeonghan slowly faced him, dropping his glass on a nearby table.

"um...hi" he muttered in response. 

To be honest, Jeonghan had had a huge crush on Scoups ever since he debuted as a rapper. He liked everything about him, his looks, his singing, rapping, everything but one thing, his scandalous lifestyle. He was known to have dated and broken up with nearly all the female celebrities he had been going out with. His latest prey was the nation's sweetheart Yoona. This was what Jeonghan was spying on Scoups for in other to expose him. Even though he hated the idea of spying on his crush, He had to find out if indeed Yoona was his latest victim but he had found nothing, absolutely nothing. Now, he was jobless and broke.

Jeonghan tried his best to look calm but he knew he was shaking and that Scoups would notice that too. Scoups smiled ruggedly as he cocked his head to one side, his beautiful black eyes in thinking mode. 

"You look familiar! Have we met before?"

"No! "

He didn't think it was true. He was sure that their eyes had jammed more than once when he was busy spying on him. Scoups bit his lip as though he was hesitant to say the next thing coming to his mind. He shook his head and blurted it out.

"You look like a girl"

Jeonghan was taken aback yet he couldn't deny that he did look like a girl with his long blonde hair and feminine features.

"Is it a bad thing?" He whispered almost to himself.

" look really good. You definitely put all the girls in this party to shame"

Jeonghan blushed. Scoups noticed and laughed, a twinkle in his eyes.

"What's your name beautiful?"

He blushed harder. 

"Jeonghan!" he replied.

"Hannie...." Scoups muttered under his breath. The way he said that nickname made his heart pound faster but he tried to control it trying to remember that he was a man. A man. 

"it's just Jeonghan!" he corrected.

"okay fine" Scoups shrugged.

 "You already know my name, I'm Scoups"

Jeonghan nodded. 

"Everybody does" he smiled. Hoshi suddenly joined them, smiling widely at Scoups.

"Hyung!" he greeted bowing his head as he carried two wine cups in his hands.

"Hoshi!" Scoups said smiling back. He looked at them both when Hoshi handed Jeonghan a cup.

"You know each other?"

Hoshi nodded. "He's my friend and roommate. We've known each other since college"

"I see... " He nodded.

 "I hope you are working hard. I could use you for my next music video"

Hoshi bowed again. "Kamsahmnida" 

Scoups turned his piercing gaze to Jeonghan.

"See you again Hannie" he said and left. Hoshi noticed the blush evident in his friend's cheeks. 

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