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The alarm clock rang repeatedly as jeonghan reached out his hand shutting it down instantly. He sighed. It was time to go out for another round of job hunting. He got up and out of bed. Went to the bathroom, brushed his teeth and took his bath. He came out, drying his hair with his hand towel when a familiar ring from his phone got his attention. He checked his phone and his knees nearly gave way. 

It couldn't be. It was a text message in response to his job application two weeks ago. The text message read thus:

Dear Mr Yoon Jeonghan, we are very pleased to inform you that your application has been accepted. You are requested to submit your appointment letter which has been sent to your mailbox to the department of Human resource at pledis entertainment. Congratulations!

His heart was beating fast. This felt like a dream, a very good one but then he stopped, Pledis. The company was Pledis?

Jeonghan shook his head, whatever. It didn't matter. All he could think of was the five hundred thousand dollars nearly within his grasp. He checked his calendar. It was Tuesday the 25th. Therefore, he had the next twenty four hours to prepare for his new job. He called Hoshi to tell him the good news. His friend picked at the second ring. 

"That is so good to hear Jeonghan, I thought that job was a lost cause"

"Me too! I'm surprised and happy"

There was a short silence. "But do you know who you are going to manage?"

Jeonghan paused for a moment. That hadn't crossed his mind at all. He thought about it for a bit and shrugged. 

"I don't know...." He waved it off. "Whatever, tomorrow will take care of itself." he said.

Hoshi breathed deeply "I wonder why all the secrecy"

Jeonghan didn't want anyone spoiling his good mood so he shouted " it's fine Hoshi, all that matters is I'm getting a job" 

Hoshi laughed "All right Jeonghan, I hear you, we will celebrate tonight right?"

"of course"

Hoshi chuckled before cutting off. That night, they went to the club with few of their friends, Seungkwan, Seokmin and Jun. They partied all night and eventually got drunk. It was a miracle they even made it to their apartment that night. 

The following morning, there was a loud shout in the apartment. Seungkwan groaned and opened his eyes to see his long haired friend flying across the apartment.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm late and on the first day of the job"Jeonghan yelled hysterically. Jun stretched moaning

"What's going on?" Hoshi stood up abruptly looking guilty 

"Jeonghan is going to loose his job because of our carelessness"

Jeonghan paid no one any attention. He flew to the bathroom, took a quick shower and wore his clothes. He slung his bag on his shoulder with his tie on one hand and darted towards the door.

"Breakfast!" Hoshi said holding out a plate of pancakes to him. 

"Sorry Hoshi!" Jeonghan shouted and ran out of the apartment. He quickly hailed a cab. He had no time to wait for the bus. He wore his tie inside the cab and checked himself on his phone. He was alright. He arrived at the company in the next twenty minutes and practically flew out of the taxi. 

Inside, there where so many people. Huge photos of stars where hung strategically at each sides of the huge hall. His eyes caught that of Scoups and he blushed. Perhaps, he might see him again. A receptionist directed him to the Hr department located on the third floor. When he arrived, he was shown to an office. As he entered, a slim beautiful woman glanced up at him. Her mouth was twisted into a small frown.

"Yoon jeonghan?" She said. 

"Yes ma'am"

"You are late, we don't tolerate lateness in our company" She said in a tight voice.

"I'm sorry..."

"We would have terminated your appointment like...." She raised her hand gazing at her watch 
"Twenty minutes ago..."

Jeonghan bowed his head "I'm so sorry"

She smirked. "It seems you have luck"

She reached into her drawer and brought out an ID card and gave it to him.

"You are welcome to Pledis"

Jeonghan smiled as his fingers traced the card. Then he remembered something.

"Who am I managing?"

The woman smirked. "As you well know, he is one of the biggest celebrities we have in this country. That is why everything concerning him is done with special care" she breathed deeply "You may go"

This was getting to odd. He hated the secrets but when he thought about the money, he decided it was worth it.

"The second door to your right on the third floor" she said and kept her face in a way like she was through with him. Jeonghan hated her already but he had to pretend to be grateful so he faked a smile.

"Thank you" He whispered and left quickly. He got to the second floor and arrived at the door where the woman had directed but he was confused when he saw Scoups name written on a Star fixed to the door. He cringed deep inside. Could it be? No, fate couldn't happen this way. He took a deep breath and opened the door. It was a very big room. He could hear voices inside. It was more than one. He moved closer to it and froze in the spot when he saw them. It was definitely Scoups wrapped up in the arms of a really beautiful woman who looked familiar. Scoups looked at him, guilt written all over his face. Jeonghan wondered why he was looking so guilty. They were nothing to eachother and yet why did he feel so hurt?

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