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A very bitter feeling settled in his heart as he stared at them. Now, he understood Hoshi's feelings the day he had caught his crush with a woman. 

"em, I'm so sorry" The girl said, her face flushing red as she straightened her clothes and ran out of the room. Scoups stared back at Jeonghan and gulped. 

"it's really not what it looks like....she came onto me"

Despite himself, he put on a nonchalant disposition.

"What you do, does not concern me Hyung" 

He shut the door and came closer taking a quick look at the room. It was really nice, fit for a celebrity like Scoups. He bowed his head. 

"I'm Jeonghan, your new manager" He said lightly. 

Scoups nodded his head. "We met at the club two weeks ago"

"I'm surprised you even remember" Jeonghan said in a sarcastic tone, whether Scoups noticed the sarcasm or not, he didn't show it. He simply smiled looking a lot more relaxed after getting caught making out with an amateur K-pop idol. Jeonghan rolled his eyes. Scoups must really get himself into this mess all the time. He looked so used to it.

Scoups continued talking "This feels like fate, I had no idea we would meet again like this" he said with a glint in his eyes.

Jeonghan tried not to look concerned. He wasn't going to look vulnerable to this pervert ever again so he cleared his throat.  

"Do allow me to serve you Scoups "
Scoups bounced on a couch facing a big flat screen TV 

"Don't call me Scoups, it feels too formal"

Jeonghan seemed confused "Then what do I call you?"

Scoups turned to him, his dark eyes piercing his. The blonde tried to pull away but it was too gripping, too intense. He could feel heat rise to his cheeks.

"Seungcheol, just call me Seungcheol." The Star said bringing him back to his senses as Scoups picked up the remote and began changing channels. 

"Is that your name?" Jeonghan asked. 
Scoups chuckled.

 "Yes, at least that was the name my parents gave me when they gave birth to me"

Jeonghan stuck a stray hair behind his ear. He had no idea what to do now. Scoups sensed this and smiled. 

"Give me your number" He said. 


"So I can call you in case I need anything"

"oh, okay.... " jeonghan said and told him his number. Seungcheol saved it on his phone As soon as he did, he had this strange smile on his lips. Jeonghan noticed it immediately. He had a crippling feeling that he was up to something.

"When I need you, I will call you. For now, wait at the managers office" He said. Jeonghan bowed. He didn't know where it was but he didn't want to ask Scoups. He still felt angry and disappointed over what he saw Scoups doing with that girl. Even though he denied it, he didn't believe him. World renowned K-pop idol Scoups was a pervert as far as he was concerned.

He found out that the managers office was In the second floor after asking the receptionist. When he arrived there, he felt lost. There where several of them there all working busily. It was crowded but he found an empty seat with his name tag placed on the table. There was a laptop, a scanner, printer and other minor equipments needed for his job. He places his bag on the table and sat down. Come to think of it, what happened to Scoups manager? He was definitely going to ask about it.

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