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Things seemed to return to normal at least on the surface. Jisoo was in prison where he was going to spend the next fifteen years of his life for attempted murder and slander. As for him Scoups, his album had sold thirty million copies and was still selling. He was satisfied with the whole thing. He had already toured half of the Asian countries and he was returning to Seoul to complete his tour. He had one more thing to do.

He took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"One second!" The sound of her voice shook him but he remained strong. Soon the door opened and he looks at his mother. Her eyes was full of shock for a while until tears began to form in her eyes.

"Seungcheol!" she cried. Scoups couldn't answer. Without a word, she drew him into the house and cried on his shoulder holding him close. Her tears wet his shirt but he didn't mind. She looked into his eyes

"Eomma!" He whispered almost in tears.

"Yeobo!" she shouted.

"What?" He heard the grumpy voice of his father answer.

"Come, your son is back"

"Seungcheol ah?" His father shouted and before his mother could reply, Mr Choi had appeared in the living room. He stood there at the center just staring at his son. He frowned.

"What are you doing back here? You should have stayed where you were"

"abuji, I'm so sorry. I never should have left. I've missed you all so much" Scoups cried, tears pouring down his face.

"Do you know how we felt everyday for the last five years? You never contacted us, not even once. You refused all our calls, never replied a single letter. The only times we got to see you was on TV. Did you know that your mother nearly died because of you?"

Scoups turned to his mother with worried eyes.

"She had a stroke and was in the hospital for nearly two weeks. I tried to contact you but you refused to see me"

"Eomma, Biane. Just kill me. I don't deserve to be your son"

"That's right" His father thundered. "I wonder what kind of child abandons his parents and does not care to check up on them for the last five years just because they were not in support of his career"

"Seungcheol appa, please forgive him. Remember he's our only child. I know he did wrong but he's sorry and he has returned. That is all that matters"

Seungcheol sank to his knees. " Eomma, Appa, forgive me! I'm so sorry for being a bad son"

His father sighed and held his arms, drawing him up.
"Stand up son and wipe your tears"

Scoups stood up looking directly at his father. He wiped his tears. Mother chuckled.

"Who would have thought Scoups could cry" she chuckled. Scoups smiled. "Does this mean you have forgiven me?"

His parents looked at each other.

"Of course, we forgive you"

The happiness enveloping his heart was so big that he held his parents in a tight hug. His parents didn't mind and simply hugged back.

After the reunion, both men sat at the living room while Mrs Choi went to bring kimchi stew. His father asked him about his health and he replied.

"It's a shame what happened to Jisoo" His mother said as she returned to them holding the food.

"it is" Scoups nodded gravely.

"Come on eat!" his mother urged and they ate. After eating, Scoups smiled widely.

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