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The next few days was hectic. Scoups was a real hard head, making things really stressful for Jeonghan. He turned him into his errand boy in the company. Everyday, he bought coffee or Americano with Donuts for Scoups. They had full schedules everyday. Scoups mostly had interviews, photo shoots, interviews all lined up for him and yet, he kept his personal life a secret. Jeonghan had never been to his house so he wasn't sure if he was still seeing Yoona. 

Jeonghan knew Scoups home address during the times he was spying on him but he had never been to the house. Over the last few weeks, he had tried to close his heart to Scoups. He didn't want to fall for him so he hardened himself and concentrated on his work. 

One day at the company, Jeonghan returned from buying Scoups Americano and Donuts but he paused at the door when he heard loud voices arguing. He particularly deciphered Scoups voice but he didn't know who the other person was. 

"Fuck you Coups" He heard a loud yell and the door flung open. It was jisoo. He stopped for a moment staring at Jeonghan.

"Get out of the way" He said rudely brushing past Jeonghan's shoulders as he walked away.
How rude! Jeonghan thought to himself and entered the office. Scoups was already drinking a full bottle of whiskey.

"Scoups, what are you doing?" jeonghan yelled in a loud voice and ran to him. He dropped what he had bought and grabbed the bottle from his hands. 

"Seungcheol, it's Seungcheol" 

He could already smell the alcohol in his mouth. 

"Gosh Coups why did you drink? Don't you know we have a schedule now?"
Shockingly, Scoups pulled jeonghan closer to his body and looked him deep in his eyes. The younger male didn't know what was happening to him. His heart was beating way too fast and it felt like he was going to faint. He felt Scoups hot breath against his cheeks and right there, he realized he hadn't had skin ship in a long time. The urge to wrap his arms around his neck and kiss Scoups juicy red lips was too strong. He was so handsome.

"Let go of me" He pleaded in a quiet voice. But Scoups held on tighter and caressed his cheeks with his fingers.

"Hannie, do you know that you are so beautiful? Like an angel"
Jeonghan had heard it thousands of times but hearing it from Scoups sent shivers down his spine as if he was the only one who complimented him that way. 

"I want to kiss you so bad" He muttered. Jeonghan was weak. He wanted to fight him off but his heart wouldn't let him. Only God knows how much he had wanted this. Even if it was only on the influence of alcohol, he would take it. Scoups would never remember it. He closed his eyes and waited. It was like heaven when Scoups lips decended on his, slowly and passionately. His lips plundered his drawing him closer to his chest so he could feel his heart beat. It was so sweet. Scoups stopped kissing him and looked straight into his eyes. Jeonghan noticed his eyes was closing little by little until it closed completely and he collapsed onto his shoulders. With his head on his shoulders, Jeonghan realised that it was too late. He had fallen for Scoups.
He called the Hr manager to cancel today's schedule lying that Scoups suddenly fell sick. She was really mad but Scoups was a top star. He couldn't be forced to do what he didn't want. Jeonghan decided to take him home. He could tell that Scoups was really stressed out by the way his body slouched on the couch. 
It was nearly evening when he got Scoups into his sports car and started to drive towards his house. In his sleep, Scoups muttered Jisoo's name. It worried Jeonghan. Why were they arguing? What was their relationship? Was jisoo the reason why Scoups got himself drunk? He shook his head. It wasn't his business. Though he knew he had crossed the line when he allowed Scoups to kiss him. 
The drive to Scoups fancy duplex was twenty minutes. It was located at a residential area where rich people lived. Jeonghan marvelled at Scoups home. It was completely made of marble. There was only one problem. He didn't know the password to Scoups home. He turned to him. 

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