Chapter one

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I always figured this is how I would die. In a dark, cold room staring into the eyes of my own personal hell. His eyes blood shot, his big hands around my neck.

I gave up trying to breathe a long time ago the only thing running through my head was my sister. Would she remember me? Would she grow up to be spineless like me? The world around me started to go black. This is it, I'm dying. Nothing left to say and I didn't have an ounce of energy in me to fight back. Haley was safe and that's all that matters.

I could feel myself loosing consciousness. My eyes were heavy. I starting counting back from ten., all I saw was blackness and then nothing.

One year earlier

Beep beep beep. I rolled over to turn my alarm clock off. 5:45am on a Saturday, it might sound crazy but this was my daily routine . I would wake up at 5:45, get ready, wake Haley up, take her to daycare, then go to work. Even on the days I didn't have to work I would still bring Haley to daycare. I had to get Haley out of the apartment before he woke up. Usually Haley went to school during the day but since it was summer I had to find somewhere else for her to go.

My ribs still hurt from last night, but the pain wasn't too bad so I knew they weren't broken.

I walked into the bathroom but didn't turn the light on. I've been taking a shower in the dark for the last 2 years. I can't stand to look at myself naked the sight makes me want to vomit. I could feel every bump on my body, every bone that shouldn't be felt I felt.

I showered and got dressed. I made sure to put my long sleeve shirt and pants on to hide the fresh bruises and old scars. Then went downstairs to get Haley's breakfast ready. We had half a package of oatmeal left. I sigh and put it in the microwave. I'll always make sure Haley eats before I do.

I walk back upstairs into Haley's room which is right next to mine. To my surprise she was already awake sitting up in her bed.

"Hey sweetie. You're awake? I had no clue." I crossed the room and sat next to her.

"I heard you and daddy fighting last night, I was so worried." She had tears in her eyes.

"I'm okay sweetie, I promise. You know I would never let anything happen to you." I wrapped my arm around her.

Luckily my father has never laid a hand on Haley, but that doesn't mean he hasn't tried. I just take all the blows. But she's getting older now my father notices her more and more everyday and the thought terrifies me.

"Come on I made you some oatmeal downstairs let's get it before it's cold." She lets out a big groan. "Oatmeal again I'm tired of oatmeal."

"I know sweetie but I'll tell you what. If you're good at daycare today I'll sneak some chocolate chip cookies home from work today." I send her a wink.

She smiles and we head downstairs. We walk very quietly past his room. I've only ever seen my dad awake this early once and it wasn't pretty. My dad spends most his nights drinking. He got hurt at work a few years ago and has been collecting disability since. He drains every dime he gets at the local bar and it's up to me to pay the bills and buy groceries for Haley and I.

Haley is eating her breakfast when the house phone rings I rush to grab it "hello this is Nicole." I rush out. "Nicole this is Margo from fresh beginnings I'm sorry but there's a little problem going on at my house so the daycare won't be open."

I can't believe this. "You promised! Open 7 days a week rain or shine. I have to work."

"I'm sorry but this is an unexpected emergency, I can't account for these things."

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