Chapter eight

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I woke up to my alarm going off. My head was pounding, ugh I felt like there was a rock concert going on up there. I don't even remember how much I drank or really much about last night. What I did remember was Adam....ADAM! I shot up in bed which definitely didn't go unnoticed by my body. I felt my stomach churn I could feel the bile coming up. Note to self never drink again.

I have to text Adam and tell him I'm not going with him. I was drunk, he has to know that you can't make rash decisions when drunk right, RIGHT?

I grabbed my phone and saw I had one new text. It was from Adam.

Adam: I know you're going to wake up and think last night was a mistake and you can't possibly go on this trip with me. Don't think Nicole, Just do. Drunk people speak sober thoughts ;)

I couldn't help but laugh at his text. He was right I needed this. I crawled out of bed feeling like I got hit by a truck. I made myself look somewhat presentable or at least like I haven't spent most my night drinking.

I was climbing down the stairs when I heard my dad and someone else talking. "Are you sure this is gonna work?" I heard my dad say.

"Absolutely. I've seen it happen before. He won't turn you down I've seen what you got. She's hot."

I stood there silently as I watched my dad grab his suit case and walk out. What the hell was that? Who was he talking about? What was he talking about? My mind was racing a mile a minute when I heard Haley's door open. "Is he gone?" I saw Haley pop her head out. I nodded and she came out in her pajamas. "Just me and you kid." She said nudging my arm.

I smiled "plans changed hunny pack your suit case." Haley's eyes lit up. "Are we going on vacation? Out of Connecticut? I've never left the state before."

"Not leaving the state sorry sweetie we'll only be gone for a few days. Now go and pack."

I grabbed my phone to send Adam a text.
Nicole: wouldn't dare think about ditching you ;) packing now we just have to eat some breakfast then we will come over.

I sent the message and went to go pack my bag. I finished packing and showering when I heard my phone go off.
Adam: don't worry about breakfast I already got you covered. Just come over whenever you're ready.

Haley came running into my room. "I'm all ready." She had her Barbie backpack on with clothes hanging out all over the place.

"Haley, you got clothes everywhere. Maybe letting you pack wasn't the best idea." I laughed. I fixed Haley's bag and we were off.

I locked the door silently praying none of my dads friends would come over while I was gone. I knocked on Adams door.

"We're going to Adams?" Haley asked confused. "No sweetie he's coming with us." Haley started jumping up and down. "Yay you guys are friends again!"

Adam opened the door with his huge smile. "Well good morning." Haley pushed past him and ran into the apartment. She saw Tyler and her eyes grew "Tyler!!!" She screamed and ran to him. Tyler caught Haley and spun her around. "Haley!!" Tyler screamed back. "I missed you" She said squeezing him. Tyler laughed "I missed you too."

I walked into the apartment "I guess I don't hold the title of Haley's favorite anymore." I laughed as I watched them hugging each other. "You had a good run." Adam shrugged.

Adam was loading the bags into the car. I buckled Haley in and got into the front seat. "How long is the ride?" Haley said. "I don't know sweetie, I think it's an hour." Adam got into the car and looked at us. "So where are we going for breakfast?" He grinned.

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