Chapter two

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I heard people talking around me but I couldn't seem to open my eyes. Whispering why was everyone whispering? Whatever I was laying on was undeniably soft. What happened? Where am I?

I fluttered my eyes a little and took in my unfamiliar surroundings. I was in a room, the room had a similar layout than mine but it wasn't my room. There was posters on the wall of naked girls and people fighting, trophies on shelfs, a huge tv on the wall. I was in a bed a huge bed that doubled mine easily. I tried to move but something stopped me. I looked over and I was hooked up to something, an IV?!?! Where the hell am I??? Just then the door swung open.

In walked in a nice looking guy a little older than me. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He was wearing khakis, a button-up shirt, and glasses oh lord What have I gotten into.

"What's going on? Where am I? Who are you?" I'm rushing out words like a manic but in my defense I did just wake up in a strange place with a strange man. The door opened again and in walked Adam. I was slightly relived. Not exactly the face I want to see but at least it was a face I know.

"You passed out at work. They wanted to bring you to the hospital, but I kinda took a wild guess that you don't like hospitals." He looked different, kinder maybe?

"N-no hospital please." I backed up against the wall. "That's what I thought so I brought you to my place so my roommate could help you out, he's a med student." That would explain the IV I guess.

"Hi, I'm Tyler you were very dehydrated so I'm giving you some IV fluids. I would suggest taking it easy for now you took quite the doozy there." I look at him like he's grown another head. Does he know what's wrong with me? Can he tell I've been abused? Doctors are smart that's why I stay clear of them.

He cleared his throat "I'll give you two a minute." Then he left, left me alone with the jerk who looked at me like I was broken. Oh god does he know too???

He walked out of the room and shut the door. Wow rude much? Not even a word.

A couple minutes later the door opened and in came Adam He was carrying a tray. He sat the tray next to me and gave me a stern look "eat" was all he said.

I looked down at the tray and it was covered with food. Burgers, fries, pizza, fruits, pastas, anything you could imagine. I could feel my mouth watering. I picked up a fry and started chewing on it. It was probably the best fry I've ever had.

"Thank you." I whispered.

I picked up the glass of water and drank the whole thing in one gulp. Adam continued to stare at me like I'm some fragile being, maybe I am though.

I decided to break the silence. "This room looks exactly like my room so weird."

"Well yeah that would make sense we are neighbors you know." I started coughing and choking on my fries. "Neighbors??" I asked hoarsely.

"Yeah Tyler and I just moved here I've seen you walking out of your apartment a couple times at the butt ass crack of dawn I might add."

I never even knew someone moved in next to me. That apartment has been empty for so long.

"H-how long was I out?" I asked. "About 5 hours, it's noon now Tyler has been monitoring you very closely."

"Well thank you for not bringing me to the hospital." He was still looking at me with that look, I hated that look.

"What's your story Barbie?" He asked while sitting on a chair next to the bed.

I could feel the panic setting in, I don't even know this guy why's he asking all these questions.

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