Chapter three

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Knock knock knock

"Why are we coming over to Adams apartment again? I don't understand."

I sighed "for the hundredth time Haley he invited us over for breakfast and I accepted. Now be on your best behavior and remember what's our business stays our business, got it?" I crouched down to her level.

"I got it." She grabbed my hand. The door opened and there was Adam standing there in just his towel.

I covered Haley's eyes "oh my god put some clothes on! Who answered the door in a towel?" I heard Haley giggling.

Adam rolled his eyes "sorry I forgot you wake up at 3 in the morning." He opened the door wider to let us in and begin walking upstairs.

I couldn't help but stare at him. He looked like a god his muscles glistening from his shower, his hair slightly wet and messy but still so perfect. Muscles on his shoulders, who has muscles on their shoulders??

I tore my eyes away from his body pull it together Nicole. "It's 6:15 not 3am and we're early risers. You're the one who wanted us to come over."

"I'm starting to regret it!" I hear him yell from upstairs. Tyler walks in from the kitchen. "Hi Nicole and mini Nicole how are you?"

"Hi Tyler nice to see you again, this is Haley my little sister."

He smiled "hi Haley nice to meet you, I made pancakes help yourself." Haley looked at me and I nodded for her to go sit at the table.

We sat at the table and clothed Adam comes down the stairs to join us. Tyler puts a pitcher of orange juice in the middle of the table. Haley's eyes light up. Of course this doesn't go unnoticed by Adam. Nothing seems to go unnoticed by Adam. "Do you like orange juice Haley?" She looks at Adam.

"I love orange juice but I never get to drink any Nic says we can't afford it." She starts gulping the juice "Haley!" I warn

"Sorry Nic."

"It's okay Haley drink as much as you want it's always here." Adam smiles.

"So Haley how old are you?" Tyler asks

"6 almost 7 though in another month!" Haley smiles.

"How exciting! Keep me in the loop with the party deets I'll be there!" Tyler pretended to flip his hair. This made me laugh.

"Sure no problem." She giggled. It was silent for a little while then we heard a huge crash next door at our apartment. It made Haley and I jump.

We heard stomping and then the door open and slam. This is why I don't like to be home in the morning. My dad is always his meanest when he wakes up. Just having Haley in the next apartment over is making my heart race. I see Haley eye me nervously. I shoot her the best smile I can muster letting her know everything is okay.

We go on eating pretending we didn't hear the noise which I'm very grateful for.

"Well I better get going I've got class see you guys later." Tyler gets up clears his plate and leaves.

"I better get going too I gotta bring Haley to daycare then go shopping let's go Haley." Adam gets up too. "Let me take you I don't mind."

I stop him "no Adam it's fine really, just finish getting ready. Text me a place and time to meet today and I'll be there."

He sighed "fine but call me if anything comes up or if you need any help."

"I will thanks I'll see you later." We walk out of the apartment and down the stairs. Haley grabs my hand. "Nic what are you and Adam doing later?"

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