Chapter nine

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I could feel the sun shining through the curtains but I couldn't open my eyes. I snuggled deeper into my pillow. I've never been in a bed so soft, I could sleep for days. I stretched my arms out a little that's when I noticed I was in the bed alone. I cracked my eye open a little bit. Where's Adam? I remember falling asleep next to him.

Just when I finished my thought the door swung open. Adam came strolling in. "Good morning sleeping beauty, I brought you some breakfast." Adam set the tray on the bed as I got up and stretched. "What time is it?" I yawned. "It's 10:30" Adam said.

I almost fell out of bed hearing that. "10:30??? Why didn't no one wake me? Where's Haley? Oh my god I can't believe I slept so late." Adam grabbed my shoulders "Nicole relax, Haley is outside playing everyone is fine. You don't have to worry so much when I'm around." Adam squeezed my shoulders and I instantly relaxed. "Sorry about making you stay in here last night, I honestly don't know what came over me." I blushed a little. Adam cleared his throat. "Oh that's okay I didn't mind at all actually. Just thought leaving early would be the best thing, didn't want anyone to find us in that position and get the wrong idea." Adam rubbed the back of his neck. "Right" I said with my head down.

"Now eat up. You have a long day ahead of you." I stared at him. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Oh you'll see." He sang while walking out.

I ate all my food then went to go take a shower. As soon as I walked into the bathroom the lights came on. Oh god, I can't take a shower with the lights on. I instantly started hyperventilating. I heard someone walking in. "Hey Nic I brought you some extra towels." I heard Adam say. "Hey are you okay?" He asked when entering the bathroom.

"I'm fine." I turned to face him. "Do all the bathroom lights turn on automatically?" I could hear the panic in my voice. "Um yeah I think so. Why? Is there a problem with the lights? You kinda need them to shower Nic." He laughed. "Oh no it's fine. I just need a few minutes then I'll be ready." Before Adam could say anything else I pushed him out of the door and locked it. I can do this, I thought to myself. It can't be that bad.

It didn't help that there was mirrors all over the bathroom. Everywhere I looked I could see my reflection. I slowly started taking my pants off, then my shirt. All my scars become visible. I ran my hand over my stomach. Every bruise, every cut and gash. They all had a story. I spotted the burn mark on the inside of my upper arm. That's when my dad burnt me on the stove when dinner wasn't ready. I was 15. I ran my fingers over the long scar that wrapped around my thigh. That's where my dad came home drunk one night and decided I was a bad girl and needed to teach me a lesson. He held me down while cutting me with a knife then just left me on the ground. I almost bleed to death that night. That's when I learned how to stitch myself up. I was 18.

I felt a tear coming down my cheek. This is why I showered in the dark. I hated myself, I hated my body, I hated the person staring back at me. I hated all the memories my scares brought up. Most importantly I hated this was my life and no matter what I did I would always have these memories. A loud knock brought me back to reality. "Nic it's me open up." I grabbed a towel and answered the door.

"Haley are you okay?" I poked my head out of the door. "I'm fine I heard about the lights. I brought you this." Haley handed me a blindfold. I smiled at her. "Thank you so much Haley. You have no idea how much this means to me." I choked out. "I figured you would need it I got your back. Me and you against the world. She smiled. "Forever and always." I said.

I took my shower and threw on some clothes. I made my way downstairs. "Oh Nicole I'm so glad you're up!" Kim gushed running towards me and hugging me. I still wasn't use to this much affection so I kinda just awkwardly stood there. "I hope you're ready for a fun filled day! I can't wait to spend some time with you. My birthday bash is tonight and we just have to get dolled up" I eyed Adam suspiciously. Why was I spending the day with Adams mom? Something seemed fishy. "Um what about Haley? I can't just leave her."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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