Chapter six

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"Daddy daddy! Push me higher!" I laughed while swinging on the swing. "Sure thing cupcake just hold on tight I don't want you to fall off." I felt like I was flying. I closed my eyes and threw my head back. I was happy. Nothing could ruin this moment, then I fell.

I fell off the swing and landed face first into the dirt. I could hear my dad running behind me. I scooped me up and held me in his arms while I cried. "It's okay cupcake, everything's okay" he hushed me. "You're not hurt the fall just scared you that's all." I stopped crying long enough to wiggle all my toes and fingers, seemed to all be accounted for. I shook my arms and legs and twisted my neck. "See I told you" he hugged me.

"Daddy?" I asked. "Yes cupcake?" He continued rubbing my back. "Are we best friends?"

"Of course we are. I love you very much never forget that. I would never let anything happen to you."

"I know daddy." I smiled.

I started coughing, choking was actually more accurate. I couldn't breathe. I felt like my air was being constricted. Everything was starting to go black. I wanted to scream for my dad to come back but he was gone. I fluttered my eyes open just to see my dad on top of me with his hands around my neck. I was gasping for air.

"Where were you last night?!?!?!" He yelled. I flailed my arms around trying to push him off of me but it didn't work his grip just became tighter. "Answer me!!" He screamed in my face.

I saw white spots cloud my vision. I shot him a pleading look begging him to stop.

He grabbed me by the neck and threw me off the bed. I started coughing violently and breathing in as much air as possible. Every breath I took my throat was on fire. I felt a wave of nausea hit me and I ran to the bathroom.

I emptied my stomach into the toilet vomiting up everything I've eaten in the last 24 hours. It still felt like his hands were around my neck. I was breathing in short intervals when I felt hands wrap around my hair and slam me into the toilet seat multiple times. I heard a crack then a shooting pain went up my nose.

He slung me across the bathroom floor then dragged me back into my room. "I'm only going to ask you this one more time. Where. Were. You." He said slowly and dangerous.

"I already told you." My voice was hoarse and low. "I don't believe you!" He yelled. "I had people. People waiting for you! Do you know how much money I lost!?" He was right in my face screaming. I looked over at my clock. 4:25am it was still early thank god no one was awake.

He grabbed my face forcefully. "From now on I take you to work, I pick you up from work. You don't do anything without my permission. Understood? I have people in this town Nicole. I know you were with some guy yesterday." He slapped me hard across the face.

"For once in your life could you not be a huge slut?!" He paced back and forth. "End it with him. It's over Nicole. If you care about this guy and don't want what happened last time to happen again you'll end it." He knelt down to my level. "Like I said no one leaves this house without my permission. Work and that's it!"

"What about Haley?" I breath out. "Not my problem, figure it out." He threw my face on the ground. He sent a kick to my abdomen and walked out.

I laid on the floor in my room, blood pouring out of my nose and head. I knew I had a huge mark on my neck. I was afraid to look in a mirror. I crawled into my bathroom and grabbed a towel. I sat on the floor and dabbed my face till the blood stopped.

Three towels later the blood finally stopped. I slowly made my way back to my room. It was 5:40am. I felt so weak and drained. I grabbed a paper and pen and wrote Haley a note. I made sure Haley could read at a young age so I could send her notes if anything were to happen. I wrote: stay In room today, Nic.
I went into the hallway and slid it under her door.

I decided to text Adam and let him know I wouldn't make it today.

Nicole: can't make it today sorry.

I turned my phone off and laid in my bed for I don't know how long minutes, hours, days? I felt like a building was sitting on top of me. Everything hurt, I'm pretty sure my nose is broken and maybe a rib or two.

After what seemed like forever I made it into the bathroom. I took a long look at myself in the mirror. My cheeks were puffy, I had a huge gash on my forehead and below my eye, my lip was busted, and I saw the huge handprint that made its way onto my neck. My eyes were bloodshot and I noticed a huge chunk of my hair missing. All I could do was stand there and cry. Why was my life like this? Why would god do this to me?

I climbed back into bed and turned my phone on. Instantly my phone started buzzing.

Adam:why what's wrong
Adam:are you okay?
Adam:is this about yesterday?
Adam:please just talk to me.

I couldn't text him back, he would ask questions and I didn't have answers for his questions. How was I gonna end it with him? He's the only one who made me feel safe. I looked outside. It was already dark out I guess Haley got my message.

This isn't the first time I've made her stay in her room all day. I made sure she had a food and water stash for days like this.

I was laying in my bed when I heard tapping at my window. No ones ever came to my window before, sometimes I like to sneak out through my widow and sit on the fire escape. The tapping continued, Louder and louder. "Nicole! It's me Adam!" I heard his voice behind the window.

Adam? Oh god I can't let him see me like this. I had to get rid of him. I threw on a hoodie and walked to the window. "Adam what are you doing here?" I whispered. "You weren't answering your phone so I hade to make sure you were okay. Can I come in?"

"No!" I instantly yelled out. "Please just go Adam."
He frowned. "What's wrong Nic, what happened?"

"Nothing happened I just want to be alone." I shrugged. "I don't believe you just tell me."

"Drop It Adam, I'm serious." I pushed. "No Nicole I'm tired of dropping it! Tell me what the hell is going on around here!" He yelled.

"You're not my protector Adam! God you're not even my boyfriend! Just mind your own business and stay out of mine! I didn't ask for any of this you know. I didn't ask for you to swoop down on your white horse and save me. I'm not some wounded cause that you can just patch up and move on from. Oh look poor little Nicole she has a sad life, let me just spread some hope and joy in her life then leave like everyone else!" I was shouting and out of breath.

Adams face fell he looked crushed. He reached his hand out to touch me "no" I jerked back "don't touch me."

"Is this about the kiss? Because if it is I promise I won't do it again I won't even touch you, please Nicole I need you." I heard his voice breaking. I was about to crack. No Nicole be strong you're doing this for him.

"No, god no Adam not everything is about you! I need my own space. Space that doesn't include you."

I swear I saw Adams heart shatter right in front of me. I could hardly take it. I needed him to leave. It was for his own good.

"Not everyone in this world is nice, the sooner you realize that the better off you'll be." I say quoting the exact same thing he said to Haley the day we met in the diner.

"Yeah I guess you're right. That was my mistake." I watched Adam get up and walk away. "Sorry for taking up so much of your time. Good luck with everything." Then he walked away just like that.

I swear I cried more that night than I've ever cried in my life. All my tears just let loose. I lost Adam forever. I knew I was doing the right thing, so why was my heart breaking by the second?

I needed Adam as much as he said he needed me.

Woah drama drama drama. What did you guys think? Did you like Nicole's little flash back dream of her dad

What did you think of the fight? Why does he  want Nicole to stay away from Adam?

Sorry it was kind of a short chapter just wanted to get something out there for you guys.

Anyways comment and vote!

Love Laura

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