Chapter five

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The week went by pretty quick. I tried avoiding my dad as much as possible but for some reason he kept breathing down my neck watching every move I make. It's like he was studying me and gathering information.

It was Friday afternoon. I still had a long way to go till my shift was over since I was closing tonight.

There was only one customer in the diner. He was one of my regulars nice guy but he always gave me the creeps. He had a beer belly and was slightly balding on top of his head had to be in his late 30s. He always tried flirting with me, but I always dismissed it and didn't give it much thought.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I looked up from behind the counter to see that he was looking right at me. Smiling with that wide smile that showed off his yellow teeth.

I was deep in thought about my dad and how I was gonna go out tomorrow with Adam. He's been following my schedule like a hawk so he knows I'm not working.

"Oh nothing just thinking about the weekend." I smiled.

"A girl as pretty as you must have lots of plans for the weekend huh?"

I internally shuttered what a creep. "Not really, how about you?"

"Nothing much either I guess, maybe we can do nothing together?" He sent me a wink.

"I have to watch my little sister. Thanks for the offer though." I said wiping the table.

He grabbed my arm with his hand. His hands were cold and clammy. "Oh come on sugar, I promise I'll make it worth your wild." He licked his lips.

"She said no, now I suggest you take your hand off my girl before you loose it."

We both look up and Adam was standing right by the door with a scowl on his face. I didn't even hear him walk in.

My customer threw his hands in the air. "Woah I don't want no trouble buddy just talking to a pretty girl I didn't know she was taken."

"Even if she wasn't never put your hands on a women who doesn't want your hands on them." Adams eyes got dark. He looked dangerous. I never viewed Adam as scary, but I guess from an outside party he was pretty intimidating.

My customer quickly paid for his food and left as soon as he could. Adam watched him leave then turned and looked at me. His hard face turned soft and he gave me a goofy smile.

I cocked my eyebrow up at him. "Your girl huh?"

Adam shrugged "I had to say something to get my point across not to mess with you, I think I made it pretty clear."

I laughed at him "that you did my friend that you did. What are you doing here anyways?"

"You didn't think I was going to let you walk to the bus stop this late did you?"

I rolled my eyes "I'm a big girl Adam. I now how to fight now remember?"

He laughed "you fight like my grandma. You're an easy target Barbie."

"Whatever you say, I think I can take you down Miller." I said dancing around him with my fist held up."

"Sit down before you hurt yourself Barbie." He laughed and pulled me onto the stool next to his.

"Why do you call me Barbie?" I asked nudging him.

"Isn't it obvious?" He asked "you have blonde hair just like a Barbie" he got closer and whispered in my ear "and your beautiful like one too." A chill went down my spine.

I put my head down. I wasn't use to compliments at all because I never found them to be true. "No I'm not, don't say that." I said with my head down.

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