Chapter four

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Adam has been giving me lessons for the last month and I can feel myself getting stronger. It was a Saturday night and Haley and I were at Adams apartment eating dinner.

We've been coming over every day to eat it's definitely became part of our schedule now and the things these guys cook is unbelievable. I never could imagine eating such amazing food. "This is very good spaghetti." Haley says while shoveling food into her mouth.

"Haley use your manners you know better." I gave her a stern look.

"Thank you for the food." Haley was scrapping her plate.

"Eat as much as you want Haley it's not gonna eat itself." Adam smiled at her.

To say Adam and I have gotten close is an understatement. I didn't think it was possible to trust someone as much as I do him and it terrifies me. My dad can't find out about Adam it won't end well. Adam still knows little about my home life that's just one book I can't afford to open. He knows I basically support Haley and we don't have a lot of money. It took a lot of convincing myself to even tell him that.

I told him my dad works overseas and he's never around but he rents the place out to different people to make money which would explain all my house guest. I know I shouldn't lie to him but it's better this way. I don't want Adam involved with my dad and vice versa. 

"Hey Tyler do you think we can play on your Xbox?" Haley was jumping all around. "Sure squirt anything for you." Tyler got up and they went upstairs. Haley loved playing on Tyler's Xbox. Her birthday is next week and I've been saving up all year to get her a DS and I finally saved up enough money. She's gonna be so excited.

"I have a surprise for you." I was a little taken back "a surprise for me? Why? It's not my birthday or anything." I said pushing my spaghetti around.

"There doesn't have to be a reason to get presents Nicole, sometimes people get them to be nice."

"You, being nice? I find that hard to believe."

"Whatever just wait right here."

Adam left the table and when he came back he was holding a black box, he had a huge smile on his face.

I was never one that liked opening gifts in front of people, it gave me major anxiety. I never liked the attention.

I took the box and slowly opened it. I saw two tickets at the bottom of the box.

"It's tickets for a professional boxing fight, next Saturday you and me kid."

"Adam this was so nice of you, but I can't leave Haley alone I don't have anyone to watch her."

"Tyler already said he would watch her." I don't trust many people watching Haley I have major anxiety when it comes to leaving her. Plus my dad would find out and I know he wouldn't take it well.

"Don't think about it Nic, for once in your life do something for yourself."

Adam was right. I never do anything for myself but risking the safety of others just for a night of fun just didn't seem worth it to me.

"I'll think about it. Thank you Adam it was very kind of you."

He smiled "Do you and Haley want to stay and watch a movie or something? I'll even let you pick."

"As nice as that sounds we really should get going." I called upstairs for Haley and she came running downstairs. "Thanks again for the dinner we'll see you tomorrow." We leave the apartment and walk into our own. I saw my dad sitting on the couch watching baseball and drinking a beer. "Haley go upstairs." Haley ran upstairs and I walked into the living room and started picking things up.

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