Chapter seven

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It's been three weeks since I talked to Adam. It's not so much missing him that's getting to me it's the silent stares in the hallway, the curt nods like we're just acquaintances, the awkward encounters.

Haley and I have gone back to our normal routine. I get up get ready get her ready, except now my dad brings both Haley and I to my work where haley stays all day and then my dad picks us up.

I'd like to think that this is my dads way of showing that he cares for us, but I know there's some underlying reason for this.

Unfortunately when you crave affection from your parents you'll take any kind of attention you can get even the bad kind.

I was at the diner focusing on the hustle and bustle of lunch rush and trying to tend to Haley when I heard the front door open. In walked Adam looking as handsome as ever. He had a tight black shirt on that hugged his body so well and a pair of light washed jeans with rips in it. Amazing how he could wear a normal any day outfit and still look so desirable. His hair was slicked back so you could get a better look at his gorgeous blue eyes. His eyes met mine and I saw regret. Standing next to Adam was a girl.

The girl was gorgeous. Blonde hair, blue eyes, huge boobs that were flopping all over the place. What more could a guy want. She hung on to Adam like a second skin. I walked over and cleared my throat. "Um my names Nicole I'll be your waitress, let me show you to your table."

Adam walked next to me while his date trailed behind. "I thought you weren't working today. It was her idea to come here not mine I swear—" I cut Adam off "here's your table and your menus. The specials are on the back let me know when you're ready." I walked away, Well more like ran. I couldn't stand to see Adam and his date getting cozy the thought made me sick. Am I jealous? Is this what jealously is suppose to feel like? I hated it.

I walked over to Haley to make sure she was doing okay. "I saw Adam with another girl are you okay?" She looked up from her coloring book and gave me a smile. She melts my heart.

"I'm okay sweetie don't worry." She continued coloring. "I know you said that hating people is wrong so I strongly don't like her." I couldn't help but laugh. "Haley that's not nice she didn't do anything to us she's probably a nice person." Haley shrugged. "Yoo-hoo waitress we are ready to order now!" Adams date yelled across the diner snapping her fingers.

Haley shoots me a look "strongly dislike Nic, strongly dislike." I rolled my eyes and made my way over.

"Finally you're here, maybe less chit chatting and more order taking." She said. "I'll take a chicken Cesar salad without the the chicken or the dressing."

"So a regular salad?" I wrote the order down. "Um no you heard me. Adam, baby what do you want?" She asked stroking his arm.

"I'll just do a burger and fries." He said not looking up from his menu.

I stood there for a minute I don't know why I just felt like I couldn't move. "Alright well you can go now unless you're just gonna stand there and suck up more air."

I snapped back into reality and began to walk away. "Don't speak to her like that." I head Adam say. "Why do you care?" She shot back. "Because she's my friend and you're being rude as hell."

All I wanted to do was smile. Even when we weren't talking he still had my back. "It's fine really" I said interrupting their conversation.

Adam scoffed "oh right I forgot you don't need my help with anything." Adams date was shooting me daggers and I was extremely uncomfortable.

I scurried away into the kitchen to put their order in. "Chicken Cesar salad without the chicken or the dressing." I gave the order to Hank. "So a salad?" He asked shaking his head. "No Hank, god don't be so clueless." I joked. "Kids today I'll never understand them." He went off to cook.

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