Chapter 3 The Date

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Driving somewhere i was wondering where was the date "So where are you taking me" and of course like every guy says "Its a surprise" he smiles and i roll my eyes. That ended our conversation until the truck came to a stop, he hops out and i was going to open my door but he opened it and said " I've waited along time for this so we are doing this right princess" and grans my handd to help me down. Covering my eyes with his hands he guides me " okay you can open your eyes now" removing his hand. It was a beautiful basketball court but still confused he dibbles a basketball and challenges me " Ready to lose Gorgeous" and i take it " Shouldnt you be asking yourself that questionn handsome" using a nickname.

We played baskeetball and i think he let me win but thats fine. He was walikng around the corner and told me he had another surprise. Turning the corner i see the most beautiful outdoor theater. i thought why does he like me this much and what did i do to deserve this. " We have Jumbo,The Sun Is Also A Star, or Never Back Down". "Of course Never Back Down" we sit down of the blanket. We are not touching until he moves closer to me making me hot. Stroking my arm he intertwines are hands."  Thank you for this chance Avery i know you think I'm a player but being near you made me change" he strokes me cheek and finally our lips meet ending the movie. 

Breaking the passionate kiss to catch a breath we realize how late it is and he starts driving me home. Now on the corner of thr road "I had a very nice time Lane and soory for waiting so long" kissing me he says" it was worth the wait princess goodnight".

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