Chapter 2 : Observations

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Different or not, Miss White was definitely distracting. Each day she glided into the office with a skip in her step and that God awfull smile! Not that her smile was was gorgeous, even I had to accept that but I could not comprehend someone being so happy all the fucking time!

I, myself am not a grouch even though my sister Emily would like to debate on this statement. She is always hoarding me for being meticulously well planned, systematic and stiff. So what if I don't jump when when I am happy or I am not spontaneous? I am not insensitive or a grinch. I think. Surely, Emily would love Miss White.

Anyway, Miss White is very good at her work. She is never late, Her filing me method suits me well and is an overall good employee.I just don't understand what is it about her that crawls under my skin. Maybe it is the fact that she starts singing unceremoniously in the copy room and dances in the corridors.Without any music, I might add. I don't stalk her...I just know.

"Mr. Taylor, Can I come in?" The object of my attention asked popping her head, her luscious brown hair falling sideways.

She stepped in and started speaking at the speed of light,

" Sir, I am just here to remind you of your dinner plans. 'Cause you know,everyone forgets stuff all the time and of course I am here to remind you when these things happen.That is my job. Too bad, no one reminds me of stuff I forget but don't worry, my phone does the job quite wel-"

I quickly stopped her from saying any further, having learned how long she could go on in a single breath.It was quite irritating to be frank.

"Miss White? Weren't you here to remind me about something? " I probbed her.

"Oh Yes! Sorry Sir." She giggled sheepishly.

" I was saying that you have a dinner meeting with Mr. Hall tonight at 8.00."

"Ah! Thank you for reminding me. Since our plans for the merger are already complete, I would like you to accompany me to the dinner. I would require your assistance in presenting the plan."

"Me? What will I do there? I don't even have a formal dress ready. And dear lord! Nor do I have enough time. Me going will definitely be a big -"

"Miss White, you are rambling again. Since you are my assistant, you are definitely needed there. As for your dress issue, I will call my sister. She own a boutique and will help you out.Take off the rest of the day, find your dress and I will pick you up from your place at 7. Will that be okay?"


"Miss White?"

"Um...Sure Sir. Whatever you say." Nodding unsurely, she left.

Truth be told, I myself was unsure as to why I asked her to go with me. I could easily handle the deal myself.But no, I had to invite her and now I would have to talk to Emily. She was already after me these days catching up on the fact that I was kinda distracted. Asking her help for Miss White was definitely going to Emily's inquisition.

With a heavy sigh, I dailed up my sister's number.

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