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NOTHING COULD HAVE MADE SAGE GO TO SLEEP THAT NIGHT. Not only was his mind buzzing with a rerun of his interview, but he couldn't stop himself from imagining what everyone saw when they watched it. Did people see him as a tribute that was happy to be there? Or did they see straight through him and see him for what he really was? A kid from twelve who hated being there and was about to throw up at the mere thought of entering the arena. What about Katniss and Prim? What did they think? Sage tossed and turned the whole night wondering if Prim had gotten used to him not being there. This was a hell of a learning experience for her, she was learning about the games in school, and now her brother was in them. He hoped Katniss had listened to him, he hoped that Ella kept her word and went hunting with Katniss. He hoped Katniss would keep her promise too— to never enter her name more than she needed...

Once Sage knew there was no chance of getting sleep, he staggered from his bed and to his bathroom and flipped the shower on before stepping into it. It was probably the last chance he'd ever have to have one, and if he was about to enter the arena, he wanted to take advantage what he could. As the water ran over him, he kept trying to convince himself that this wasn't his last shower— he would win and he would go home. But it was a pathetic attempt. He knew the odds weren't for him— so what, he managed to get a few sponsors hopefully. He could have all the sponsors in the world and still die during the first day.

Once the water began to run cold, Sage stepped out and dried off. He pulled the clothes he had put on after his first shower that night before he went back to his bed and sat down on the edge. The trees along his wall filled the room with a dull light and a quiet sound of crickets and a slight breeze. But he new it wasn't real— he wished it was. He wished he could be in his own lumpy bed in Twelve and have to listen to his fathers snoring across the house.

Sage knew he wasn't got to fall asleep, and sitting there surrounded by the sounds of fake nature— it was almost taunting him. So he stood up and left his room, stepping out into the dark hallway. He made his way down towards the living area that was lit by a lamp that was on, and Sage could hear reruns of the interviews. When he got to the room, he saw that Deedee was seated cross legged on the couch, facing the television. She had her pajamas on and her hair was wet, clearly she had the same idea as Sage. And her hair was in two braids, one over each shoulder. For a second, Sage could have sworn she was Katniss.

"Couldn't sleep?" he questioned, lowering himself into an armchair.

She shook her head, "No." she let out a heavy sigh, "You've moved up." she told him, nodding towards the television. Along the bottom it read FINAL TWELVE before small photos began to roll across just above it while the reruns continued. Jules was the projected winner, followed by Opal from Two, and then the boy from Four, and then Marena. Then after Marena came Boyde, and then Sage.

      Sage's eyebrows shot up. He had moved up to the final twelve? And beyond that, was in the final six? Looking at that alone, it meant he had sponsors. It meant people were placing money on him making it.

𝐆𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐘 & 𝐆𝐎𝐑𝐄. ᵀᴴᴳ[1]Where stories live. Discover now