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THE REST OF THE DAY AND THAT NIGHT WERE UNEVENTFUL. At least concerning Sage's alliance— it probably had everyone watching begging the gamemakers to do something to stir things up. Between Sage, Marena, and Deedee— they made multiple trips to the stream. All of them were well hydrated by the time night came. And once again, Sage didn't get a wink of sleep. Instead he stayed propped up against the tree beside Boyde and watched and listened for anything that could mean trouble.

He could hear crickets, and some sort of irritating bird that hid in the trees— there was even a distant sound of frogs. The next day, after they set up some type of shelter— he'd try to find something to eat. He needed to make plans like that, otherwise he would go crazy in the arena. Back home, he would make plans. He'd plan to go hunting with Katniss and Ella either in the morning or that evening. Or he'd plan on watching Prim for the afternoon when his father was at work and his mother was going to go to the Hob. The only difference was his plans involved just surviving. Usually that wasn't a concern of his.

"You should try to sleep." Marena said, her voice startled him a bit. "You didn't get any last night either, did you?"

"I'm fine," he assured her, although he knew it was a complete lie. The sun had barely begun to rise, well, the fake sun. The gamemakers could make the sun rise whenever they wanted to. For all they knew, it was actually just starting to get dark out. Time could be whatever they wanted it to be.

"Tell me about home," Marena started, moving to sit beside Sage so they wouldn't wake Deedee or Boyde. "I can't sleep either."

"Well, maybe if I bore you enough you will." Sage chuckled a bit, "I'm sure Four is much more interesting than Twelve."

Marena shrugged, "Debatable." she said, "What about your lovely lady?" she questioned, her tone was a bit amused by mentioning the girl that he spoke about in his interview.

"She probably hates me enough for bringing her up to Caesar." Sage pointed out, "How about you? Anyone in Four?"

"You first," Marena stated, "besides, I'm sure everyone listening would like to know more about the loveliest lady in Twelve."

Sage turned his head towards her, only to find a bit of a amused look on her face. "You sound like my sister," Sage muttered, "nosey."

Marena shrugged a bit, "It's a talent I have, being nosey."

Sage rolled his eyes, "Well, if you must know— I wasn't lying. She really is the loveliest."

Marena smirked, "I'm sure she is," she paused, "she must be thrilled that her very own boyfriend has been dubbed the nations Prince Charming," she said, a smirk growing on her face while the feeling of wanting to puke grew in his stomach. He hated using Ella as a way to get people to like him.

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