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"AND HERE WE ARE, DAY TWO OF THE SIXTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL HUNGER GAMES." Caesar spoke into the camera, his hair a violent pink color and blended in with the pink and purple lights of his set. Haymitch always hated this part of the job— the actual heavy lifting that mentors had to do every year. He used to think that working directly with the tributes was harder, but now he found it painfully agonizing to work from the penthouse while they were in the arena. "A little bit later we will be joined by none other that Xavier Reynolds— who has really outdone himself with this spectacular arena. But first let's see how our tributes have done throughout their first night." he smiled, as the the screen quickly switched from his brightly lit studio to the cornucopia where the tributes from One, the girl from Two, and the boy from Three had set up their home base.

     Haymitch glanced down at his communicuff— an oversized silver accessory that mentors wore while their tributes were still alive. From there, they could see their tributes odds, sponsorships, any special gifts from sponsors, and the list of gifts they could choose from along with a place to type a small message that would be screened by a gamemaker before being sent with the gift, if they chose to write one. So far, Deedee had moved up a bit in odds— thanks to Marena. At the bloodbath, Deedee nearly didn't make it— but Marena got her out and they were long gone before the cannons went off. Sage was still holding his place in the top twelve, and his actions to help Boyde got him a few sponsors. It had been a few years since Haymitch had a tribute with any promise at all— it was refreshing to still have both of his tributes alive.

      Haymitch pushed himself off of the couch, where he had made himself comfortable during the night and then made his way to the small wooden bar and got himself his usual flask of whiskey before going to pour himself some coffee as well. As he did all of this, he kept his eyes on the television as much as he could— right now they were still on the career alliance. All of them looked to still be in pretty good shape still...which was better than the situation Sage was in.

      As he made his way back to the couch, just as he was about to make himself comfortable again— there was a knock on the penthouse door. He hated the Capitol for this reason— there was usually always someone who wanted to talk to him. He'd probably even be brought on to speak with Flickerman because of Sages' odds. Because Twelve not had odds like the odds Sage had.


Haymitch sighed heavily as he put his flask and cup of coffee down on the table in front of him before he reluctantly made his way towards the door.

"Haymicth, come on, we know you haven't left yet."

"Yeah, yeah," he grumbled before he pulled the door open, to reveal Finnick Odair and Kai Marsh— who had lost her communicuff when Boyde killed her tribute. "can I help you?" Haymitch questioned.

"Well, you have this whole penthouse to yourself," Finnick replied, "figured you could have some company."

"Nothing out of the ordinary, Fin says." Kai added as Haymitch stepped aside and allowed the two younger Victor's inside.

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