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THE SOUND OF THE OLD LEAVES AND TWIGS CRUNCHING BENEATH THEIR FEET WAS ALL SAGE HEARD THE WHOLE WAY BACK TO THE FENCE. Katniss didn't breathe a word, and neither did Ella. Katniss barely even looked at Sage. It gave him plenty of time to think about the reaping that would taking place soon. All that he could think about were the slips of paper that were in the bowl full of names of boys in Twelve that read his name. He could still hear Ella asking; what if this is the year?

Sage really didn't think it was, it couldn't be. There were boys who had entered their names more than his own, but the closer they got the fences; the heavier his feet became. Like concrete slabs that he wasn't going to be able to move much further.

Sage glanced at Katniss as he crouched down to tuck his bow and arrow away in their hiding place, "Kat," he started, "let's not tell ma about the ship, alright?" he told her.

Sage had hoped she would say something, but all he got as a response was a nod without even looking at him as she tied the sack of animals tightly so she could carry it without risking dropping any of it.

Sage looked at Ell, who gave him a look as if to tell him she had told him he shouldn't have yelled at her like he had. Especially on a day like this. Ella sighed a bit before adjusting her jacket on her shoulders before turning and walking away. Leaving Sage with Katniss; however as soon as Ella began to walk away, Katniss turned to try and catch up with her to avoid Sage.

"Kat," Sage called after her, but when she didn't turn around, he swiftly caught up with her in just a few long strides. "Katniss." he said, but still despite being right next to her, she didn't look at him. "Hey, I'm talking to you, Kat." he said, elbowing her like he usually did when she was quiet on the way back from school.

And after a moment of continued silence, Sage heard her stifle a small sniffle. "I'm s-sorry I al-almost got us ca-caught." she stammered as kept her eyes towards the ground so could hide her face from him. "I-I was just scared," she added, her voice coming out a bit smoother. "I didn't know what to do."

Sage sighed, glancing at Ella who was a fair distance ahead of them. "It's okay, Kat." he told her, "I'm sorry too," he added, "I shouldn't have yelled at you."

"Do you think they saw me?"

Sage shook his head, "No, I don't think so." he said, looking up towards the fence he could see clearly where Ella already was. "They'd be there, meeting us at the fence."


            The Everdeen home was alive by the time they approached the house. The curtains were drawn back, and the windows were open. From outside, Sage could hear Prim chatting away with their mother in the kitchen.

𝐆𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐘 & 𝐆𝐎𝐑𝐄. ᵀᴴᴳ[1]Where stories live. Discover now