Crushed Part 2...

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Search and Rescue run over with the Fire Department (FDNY) pull Reade and Patterson away and brain-storm how to get the Agent out.

"If we use the chains to pull the car away and then the airbags and cribbing to lift the concrete. We have no idea how bad her legs are but we have to try.  Mills call Grace Central and tell them we will have a crush syndrome vic there in critical condition." A higher up bellows.

Two female paramedics run over and crounch next to Tasha and triage.

"Hi I'm Shay and this is Dawson any medical issues we should know about?"

"She is allergic to morphine. Her name is Tasha Zapata, she's an FBI agent." Patterson tells them.

"Tasha. Squeeze my hand please. Sweetie my names Gabby, I'm a paramedic."

She gets a finger twitch and checks for a pulse, "Kelly, Hey Severide! She has a faint pulse, hurry up with the car." Gabby calls.

"You Blondie, over here, talk to your friend." The paramedic yells at Patterson who crouches next to Tasha as the car is being moved.

"So who's in the suit?" Paramedic Dawson asks.

"Her best friend turned boyfriend. They weren't on good terms. She was 10 times worst when he got hurt.  He's dealing well."

"How close are they?" Shay smirks.

"Help each other out if accused of murder close. Isn't that right Tasha, you were stupid, out helping cover evidence. It wasn't even his fault.
Once he told her not-so-politely to go to hell, yet he still held her when he saw she had been poisoned.
A terrorist organisation breached the FBI and she got shot. I had to go to the other side of the building but he stayed with her for 17 hours until she woke up."

"Must love each other." A firefighter comments.

"Cruz, stop sticking your nose in." Another pipes up.

"They do love eachother. Always have, just never admit it.... Mouch?" Patterson responds to the firefighter.

"It means Half man- Half couch." Shay explains.

"Tash, I hope your thinking of a million different sarcastic comments right now. Kepp fighting though okay, Reade is a mess and he needs you to fix it. I can't do the will they or won't they crap, it's your second job okay!"

Tasha murmurs something intelligible but Dawson says "Agent Zapata, I'm a paramedic, you were in an explosion. Your boyfriend's here... and he's a mess sweetie." Tasha flicks her pained eyes open.

"Eh-ed, Ed." She says brokenly.

"He's here Tasha, he's here. READE!" Patterson shrieks.

He comes running and sees his girlfriend awake, flickering a hand towards him to grab. "You pick your moments Zapata. Don't be an impatient ass and leave the car."

"Blah, blah, blah." She says dryly but witg rasp. The recently moved car allowing her to breath easier. "I can feel my legs finally."

"So Tasha, do you got any family?" Shay questions.

"Dea-d be-at father. Dru-gg-ie mom. Hav-n't spoke to my br-uh-the-rs in years. My tea-m are fam-ly. Mess-ed up though, one was ta-ttooed a-nd had her mem-ry wiped. An-other got his friend-s wit- benefits preg-nunt. R-ich is an ex-con. Hack-ur for uss... She's a w-urk-ahholic and he wears suits i-n summ-er." This gets a laugh out of the team.

"Tasha, I'm Gabby. Is it hard to breath?" The mocha skinned EMT asks.

"Y-up. Am under concrete tho."

"You have a collapsed lung, I need to decompress it with a big ass needle. Hold their hands." Shay instructs.

They insert a needle into her chest qnd Tasha screeches in pain. But Ed whispers I Love Yous and its over.

A cute firefighter walks over and tells them, "Agent Zapata, we're gonna move the concrete and it's gonna hurt like hell. Personally, Ma'am I am so sorry you were injured but your honourable for serving your city. Thank you for keeping New York safe. I'm Kelly Severide, Rescue Squad."

"J-ust don' kill me plee-z" The victim smirks. An older firefighter walks over to them and says.

"Agent Zapata, I'm Christopher Hermann. I heard what you said about your parents-I have kids, so I am going sit with you like a parent should." He says croakily before putting his arms under hers so he can pull out later.

"Y-ur s-weet. How man-y kids."

"5 at home, then the 9 toddlers here." Je smirks.

"Herrmann, I saved your life twice. Be nice." Gabby pouts.

"If-f you guys ever get into trou-ble. Come to the FBI, ask for Zapata, Patterson or the Asistant director."

"Thanks kid. Some of those knuckle heads will probably need it." Christopher grins.

"Tha-nk you."

"You are gonna be fine kid. We are get you to hospital and your team will be there and you will be back at work soon. I guess your not one to sit around."

"Nuh-uh." Tasha smiles.

"I'd lock you up in my apartment but if you can break in, you can break out." Reade says funnily with a hint of slyness. Tasha sticks her middle finger up at him.

"Kurt and Jane would be worse company for you Tash. We could stick you with Rich or Boston. That'd kill you slowly. Patterson would be your personal doctor."

"I'll stay with y-ou if y'get a da-mn coffee mach-ine."

"Deal, if you learn to clean up your mess." Reade sighs, she sticks her tongue out at him. "Okay 6 year old." He grins playfully.

Eventually the get enough leverage to lift the concrete surrounding her and pull her out crying. Clutching her boyfriends hand with desperation.

"Let's get her in the ambo. You two come with me in the back." Gabriela hollers as they move her onto a gurney. The doors if the ambulance slam shut as they start the engine

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