Mommy and Daddy issues.

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"Metro police just called. They have a victim that is apparently related to us." Patterson says.

"Who?" Jane panicks.

"Maria Zapata." Patterson confirms.

"Okay." Tasha says coldly recieving suprised looks from everyone except Reade.

"Your mom is killed and you say ok, Tash."  Kurt exclaims.

"I haven't spoke to her in 14 years. Don't care." She says walking off.

"Just don't." Reade stops Weller before he follows his girlfriend.

"Tasha?" He calls as he steps into the locker room.

"Im here Ed. I don't know what to do, I hate her- I'm happy she's dead but I should grieve. I just don't wanna." She exclaims kicking her locker.

"Then don't. Ill call your brother and you need to tell the team why you aren't going to grieve." He says calmly.

"Thanks." She says and walks out.

Nearing the her team, Tasha says "She was a bad mom. Run a tox-screen, always drunk; always high. Never home. I raised my brother. Check Sharkies on 2nd; Rico's on 34th and north; then the strip on 19th and kensing, they were the bars she went to. I am fine; honestly- she's been dead to me for over a decade."

"But you need to cry, grieve, be angry." Patterson says matter of factly.

"I don't. She was my mother but not our mom. I raised myself and I raised my brother. Much to his disagreement, I did a good job- Let metro have the case. Reade is calling my brother."

"You don't mean that." Jane says sadly.

"Yes I do. If my dreams could come true she would have been dead when I was 14. I hope I don't see her in hell. I don't care if you investigate just don't tell me she killed herself. Too many people wanted her dead."

"Okay, Nathan is coming in to talk to us and wanted me to tell Tasha she is a bitch." Ed grins slyly.

"Not surprised. He thought his momma was Super woman. That was just the heroin." Tasha says neutrally.

20 minuites later Nathan Zapata walks through the doors of Sioc and points his finger at Tasha. Stalking towards her- he shouts "You killed her. You did."

"No I didn't. Wish I had." She yells back from where Reade is restraining her.

"Perra mentirosa. (You Lying bitch)"

"Padre muerto y vencido. (Dead beat father." She screeches

"At least I have a family."

"Your kid is the result of a for hire session. You got married in Vegas. I have a team. And a family, your not part of."

"You think your so good don't you. Left the bad neighbour hood, became a cop. But wait: you didn't save Ricky did you. You wrecked Alexis but that wasn't enough. You didn't try."

"You don't think I regret everything with Ricky. I wanted to help. But he wouldn't take the help. I take Alexis to lunch every other week. She joined the force as well."

"Oh yeah. You always praise yourself huh. Especially how you raised me. La la la."

"I did raise you. She was an addict on all fronts. Dad left when you were three months old and mom went crazy. I made sure you ate, went to school. I hid you when a dodgy guy came round. Instead of you getting beat: the guy broke my ribs, my wrist, my leg. Im happy she is dead."

"Only You could say that. You are 7 years older."

"I thought you came to help the police. So don't speak to me. Talk to soneone else." Tasha tells him as Reade walks her away in a tight embrace.


"So Nathan refuses to believe his mom was and addict or that Tasha didn't murder her." Jane sighs, looking across from Tasha

"Tasha... I have to ask.  Do you have an alibi for 4am on tuesday morning?" Kurt asks warily

"Yes. I was in bed, with my boyfriend. Asleep, naked. I woke up 2 and a half hours later. My man then made me breakfast- I had bacon and eggs."

"Does your boyfriend have a name?" Jane challenges.

"You know damn well who he is. He was asleep too." Tasha snarls as Reade walks in fuming.

"What the hell are you doing?" Her boyfriend growls.

"She is our suspect Reade. Take a guess." Kurt bites.

"You want the truth?" Tasha offers

"That'd be nice."

"I wasn't asleep. I had a nightmare. I get those alot. I don't know who killed my mother but I wish I had. I wouldn't have shot her, ending it quickly. Long, painful and inescapable. Just like my childhood, that's how I would'da killed her." Zapata tells them slamming her hands against the steel table.

"That doesn't help you Natasha." Eleanor Hirst shouts from the corner of the room.

"Ooh the peanut gallery is here.  Why don't we get Rich and Stewart, make it a family party" Tasha smirks

"Why are you playing games." Kurt grits.

"What do you mean? Im innocence in a bubble. I vomit glitter and crap rainbows." Tasha grins mqking Reade choke back a laugh.

"I can go on all night Tasha." Hirst tells her.

"I'd clap if I was that impressed. Or genuinely cared. Ellie."

"Eleanor. My name is Eleanor Hirst."

"I know. Here's an idea sherlocks, call Ricardo Ruiz. He won't care but he knew her longer than me." Tasha suggests.

"Your...?" Reade hints.

"Oh yeah. Let him meet Nathan, I'll do his interrogation. With Reade."

"No you won't." Agebt Doe tells her as Patterson bursts in.

"What are you doing. Tasha didn't kill her mother, she's Tasha." And hugs her brunette best friend.

"No one knows you that well." Tasha points to Hirst, "Your father killed a girl," looking at Kurt. "Jane your mother made you and Roman terrorists." Then Patterson "Your dad is great. He'd give you anything." Reade, "I love your dad. Literally, he makes the best food ever. So I am the only one here who can play the abandoned, guilty daughter."

"Okay" Hirst agrees.


"Mr Ruiz do you know why you're hear today?" Reade asks.

"Not aaaaa clue." The man draws out.

"Maria Zapata. Found dead thos morning."

"Nobody's gonna miss her Agent Fancy." Ricardo uses the same name Tasha called him when they met.

"I have someone who thinks you'll talk to them."

"I ain't talkin' with an agent."

"She's more than an agent." Now is when Tasha walks in. She isn't recognised at all which hurts.

"You don't recognise me do you?" Tasha asks calmly.

"Should I."

"Im Natasha. Zapata. Born on March 28th  1988."

"Oh God." His jaw drops open.

"Somebody murdered my mother. Any ideas Ricardo? You did leave me and my brother to fend for ourselves. This would go a long way..."

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