Moon Rabbit

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"Little Rabbit loved the city-" Tasha begins

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"Little Rabbit loved the city-" Tasha begins.

"Which city?" Her four year old daughter pipes up from her bed.

"You've heard this story millions of times Mija" Zapata peeks over the book smiling. This is true; every member of the CIRG team knew this entire story backwards.

"Ughh..." the toddler whines.

"Little Rabbit likes living in the city. There are so many things to see and do! But at night, when she is all alone, she looks up at the moon and begins to wonder. Could there be someone out there? Another little rabbit just like her?."

"Is there?" Lexi mumbles.

"You've read this before. You know the answer."

"You di'nt anwser my question."

"I did knucklehead."

"Mama das not nice. You tell me not to call names."  Alexis 'Lexi' Reade tells her mother. She was named after her Aunt Alexis who grew up with mommy (3x18)

"Sorry crazy baby."

"Not better."

"Okay nena (babygirl.)"

"No names." The child growls eliciting a laugh.

"Lexi, some names like baby and Sweetie are said with love. Like how I talk to daddy. But some are meant to be mean and hurtful."

"Is that when you smacked Uncle Richie 'cos called you toots and called him a manwh-"

"Alexis Isabella Reade. Don't dare finish that." Tasha says loudly, just short of a shout, flustered.

"No yelling in the 'ouse." The child shouts at her mother in a similar tone - throwing her hands in the air, joining her mother in a long sigh.

"You started it." The latina woman yells childisly walking along the landing of their house.

"Mama you're setting a bad 'sample." She trails behind.

"E-x-ample. Im not food!" Tasha corrects light heartedly.

"What kind of food?" The latina child grins slyly.

"Dios Mio! You are definately my kid." Natasha says exasperatedly as her child goes to the freezer getting the ice cream tub and a spoon, as if saying 'We will be here a long time' just to mock her. "Alexis. You're pushing your luck here."

"M'eating not pushing. Not nice to push people." The child says innocently with a streak of sarcasm.

"Put the ice cream away and go. Back. To. Bed."

"Not sleepy." Lexi outwits, putting the ice cream away anyway.

"Didn't ask now go. Two minuites to be asleep."

"I wish daddy was here. He's nicer."

"Lexi." The mother warns.

"Im going Im going. Clam down."

"Calm not Clam."

"I is in bed mama."

Tasha walks into the bedroom to see her child under the covers,"Good baby. 'Little rabbit liked living in the city-."

"What city." Lexi butts in receiving a huff.

"She had her own place to stay and, her favourite cafe and so many things to see and do-"

"I need to brush my teeth." Lexie says to her mama getting out of bed.

"No you don't."

"I'm 'ungry." She tries again

"We had Arroz Con Pollo forty minuites ago."

"I need a drink."

"Your bottle of juice is full." Tasha tells Lexi softly getting a 'ughhhh' inresponse.

"I want daddy." Ooh now she pulled the daddy card.

"So do I kid. Now lie down, hug your teddy. I am going to read two pages of this. You're going to go sleep and I will wake you when daddy comes home." Zapata tells Lexi strongly, gently stroking her hair.

"Pwomise?" Lexi murmurs

"Promise, 'But at night when everything was quiet and Little Rabbit was all alone, she would look up at the stars and wonderif there was someone out there. Someone she could play with,  laugh with and and have fun with. Someone just like her. It would be nice to meet another Little Rabbit, she thought.'"

Now her baby's soft snores fill the room. Tasha leaves and walks across to her and Ed's bedroom that has a grey and blue theme to it. She grabs his dress shirt and her lace pyjama shorts then walks across to the bathroom.

She steps under the spray and wayer riccochets off her tanned skin. The raspberry scented shampoo comes off the shelf as she runs her fingers through her hair.

A familiar hand runs along her sides and his lips to the side of her neck. A 'hmm' noise is heard from him when he smells her hair and runs his fingers through instead.

His finger runs down her bare spine giving her shivers. Her hair now done she steps out, dries off puts on his shirt and her shorts; then heads downstairs with an extra swing in her hips.

"Food." She tells him as they sit on the sofa with their dinners. "I nearly killed our 4 year old. She outsmarted me."

Ed nearly choked on his chicken as she elaborates.

"I was reading moon rabbit and she kept asking questions like... What city? How quiet? How dark? I told her she knew then she started yelling. Not too seriously though." Oh this is fabulous. Im no longer the bad parent, He thinks.

"She followed we out of the bedroom, came downstairs, started eating ice cream and just started at me. Devillishly." Okay this is ridiculous.

"She's four. And was really right."

"That is a good story though."

"That it is.

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